A Close Lost

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We finally return back to the village a bit longer than when we got to the forest, Since I couldn't see, I could only listen. Inuyasha's breathing seem to be a bit heavy as he ran. He said he was fine, so I just assume that that fight with the demon worn him out slightly. I hold tightly to his hand as he guides the two of us to the big hut, I can hear talking as we near the entrance, Shippo and Sango's voices. I hear the curtain lift and then the smell of delicious food and warm atmosphere.

"You two are back, how was your day?" I hear Miroku asking us.

"It was alright for most of the time." I reply back with a sigh.

"Most of the time? What happened?" Sango asks concerned.

The two of us sits down at the table, Inuyasha guiding me down, I didn't let go of his hand the whole time.

"Well we had a leisure time, but then a demon ruined it. I got rid of it." Inuyasha replies.

"I see, I'm glad to see that you're both not hurt, get some rest afterwards. You two had a long day." Miroku says.

"Yea, especially for Inuyasha, he saved me and fought off the demon. I'm kind of worried about him to be honest, how is he?" I ask the others.

"Well, Inuyasha seems fine, you want us to body check him for any injuries?" Shippo asks.

"That would be great, please be my eyes." I nod.

"Don't you guys touch me, I'll bite you. I'm fine, leave me alone." Inuyasha grumbles.

I let out a frustrated sigh, but I let it go. We start eating, I tried my best to put my worries for Inuyasha off to the side. Afterwards, Inuyasha guides me back to our shared hut. I hear the wooden door open and Inuyasha leading me inside, the door closes and I let go of Inuyasha's hand. I hear him walk to the middle of the room and flop down onto the futon with the sound of the fabric shifting. I take off my kimono, and put on my night wear. I then walk to the centre of the room and find the futon with my feet, I then descend down and I can feel Inuyasha's presence in front of me. His breathing is slightly heavy.

"Inuyasha, you're breathing seems heavy, I'm worried." I tell him again.

"__________, trust me I'm fine, I just ran a bit much today and overused my energy. I'll be fine in the morning, you worry too much. Let's get to bed." Inuyasha says taking my hand into his.

I noticed that his hand seems a bit colder than it was, now I'm even more worried. I squeeze his hand, and I sigh.

"Look Inuyasha, I'm going to tell you how I'm feeling right now truthfully. I'm worried Inuyasha, I'm very worried about you. After that fight with the demon, you seemed different, more tired, and now your hands are colder than how it was." I tell him.

"I know________ but really, I'm alright. I'm just a bit tired, a good night's rest will be alright." Inuyasha says assuring me.

I shake my head in disagreement.

"Inuyasha, I'm not just worried, I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated that I can't see, I'm frustrated that I couldn't help you against that demon. I'm frustrated that I can't see any injuries that you might have sustained. I'm frustrated at myself that I wondered off aimlessly because I couldn't see." I add on.

I feel Inuyasha's free hand on my cheek as he caresses it, I can feel faint warmth.

"I know how you feel, like I said, I'm fine. A good night's rest will be fine. I'll be good as new and back to the annoying demon that you know. Worrying too much isn't good for you. Now come on, our day off got ruined by that demon, so I would like the two of us to at least go to bed without and interruptions." Inuyasha tells me.

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