Digging For A Heart Buried In Snow

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I let out a smile.

"I don't think I'm gaining anything much from it, but I feel like getting to know you better isn't such a bad thing. Why do you think I want something, stop making me sound like a heartless person. Besides, Miroku and the others wants you to be lively again. I suppose it will be nice to know the you from years before." I reply back with a teasing pout.

There's another brief silence from him, but I decided that I'll wait patiently until he replies. Until he completely pushes me away, that's when I'll give up. Otherwise, if there's small hint that he wants to talk, I'll try my best to make him want to tell me willingly.

"Why do you even want to know and dig into someone else's past, it won't help you much. So why bother?" Inuyasha asks me.

"There's a thing called first impressions, when I first met you I thought you were an arrogant jerk. But the things about first impressions, is that sometimes, it turns out to be completely wrong. You could say that I would like to get to know you better so that I can change my perception of you." I say to him.

"Maybe your first impression was right about me, maybe I am an arrogant jerk." He responds with a flat emotionless tone.

"You say that, but Miroku, Sango and the others don't think so... and I'm sure the people that use to be here remembers you as someone that made everyone smile with your liveliness each day. Everyone except for me, and from some occasions, I can sense that you're someone that's capable of doing things that's completely opposite of a jerk." I add with a small smile.

"How did you know if I was someone that made other's smile or not, how did you know I was lively or not? We only known each other for 2 weeks." Inuyasha asks me.

"Miroku and the others told me, and taking the words from people who has been by your side for over 50 years compared to 2 weeks, my first impression of you definitely changed. I just hope that you can open up to me a little bit, trust me a little, either if it's your unspoken feelings or pasts that you kept hidden away. I'll be here to listen." I reply back.

Silence fills the air, I can here Inuyasha's breathing. I want to do something , something to make him see that I'm here to help lighten up his heart a little. What can I do? I begin to tap on my walking stick but then something hits me, perhaps this may get something through to him.

"Inuyasha, I want you to try something." I say to him with a smile.

"What is it? You better not make me look like a fool." He replies with a grumble.

"Stop making me into a bad person, geez. You don't need to get up or anything, sitting here is enough, I want to try something with you. Are you willing to trust me and try it?" I ask him.

I hold my breath as I wait for Inuyasha to reply back to me, but then I hear a sigh.

"Fine, what is this thing that you want me to do?" He responds.

"I'm happy that you're willing to try this out. I want you to relax your body and mind, lean back against the tree trunk, close your eyes and listen." I tell him.

"What if I don't close my eyes, and don't lean my body against the tree trunk?" He asks me back.

I smile into the emptiness that fills my vision.

"You gave me your word that you will try it, so I will place my trust in those words." I answer him back.

Inuyasha doesn't respond back right away, but I hear him exhale and a light bump.

"Alright, my eyes are closed and I'm leaning against the tree trunk, now what?" He asks.

"I want you to relax your mind and heart, don't think of anything, free your body and mind from everything, and just listen to everything around you, follow the sound and let it guide you to wherever you desire." I explain to him.

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