Arguing Upgraded To Bantering

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After a while, I feel the wind slightly picking up, but it still feels soothing. I noticed that he has started to slow down, the walking stick is aiming downwards at his end. The gravel ground has turned into grass beneath our feet, the sun is still shining down.

It's quiet and peaceful, then I realized that Inuyasha has stopped walking. I stop as well.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

Nothing, no response, just the wind. I tug lightly on the walking stick to get his attention.

"Earth to Inuyasha? Are you still here?" I ask again.

"Huh? Oh... we're at the cliff." He answers back slightly dazed.

"Why the cliff? You planning on pushing me off the cliff?" I ask him confused with a slight chuckle.

"Because I come here to rest in the tree." He replies back.

"Tree? You mean the single tree that is by itself?" I add.

"Ya, the one that you were whacking at yesterday before you fell off the cliff." Inuyasha snorts.

I frown, so he was awake when I whacked the tree yesterday. which means technically he could have prevented me from walking to the edge of the cliff... but he didn't.

"So... you could have jumped down from the tree and prevented me from walking to the edge of the cliff but you didn't. Thanks." I mutter.

"Hey, I was sleeping when you woke me up with your whacking. It was irritating, I thought you were someone who was bored so I ignored you. Then I saw you walking towards the cliff without stopping, that's when I decided to intervene." He answers.

I want to say something but then I feel him tugging me along to the side, I follow after him. Then he stops. I then hear him jumping and then the rustling of branches above me, the walking stick drops onto the ground on his end. Did he just jump into the tree?

"Did you just leave me down here by myself?" I ask him.

"Ya I did. Just walk forward, the tree trunk is in front of you. You can rest down there and I'll rest up here, we'll both have our private space for a while." He says from above me.

I let out a hmph and walk forward slowly, put my hands out and no sooner wood surface comes in contact with my palm. I then turn around and sit down and lean my back against the tree trunk, the cool wind feels nice. I open up my bundle of art supplies and take out my charcoal stick and paper, I "look" out but I realize that I don't know how to start. I know there's a cliff, and a tree... but what else? I tilt my head up, but then I remember that Inuyasha is sitting in the tree. Perhaps...

"Hey Inuyasha?" I say.

"What?" He replies with a grumble.

"Guess you're not asleep yet. If you don't mind, can you tell me what our surroundings look like? I want to get a grasp so I can at least put my charcoal onto the paper." I ask him.

There's a brief silence, but then I hear him let out a sigh. It must not be a tall tree if I can hear him sighing.

"A few meters in front of us is a cliff, green grass covers the ground all around us as far as the eyes can see. In the distance are mountain ranges of different heights, a stream runs below. A single tree stands in the green field. Birds are flying in the sky with white clouds." He explains to me in a calm tone.

I smile at the description that he has given me, although simple but I can imagine myself seeing such scenery. I'm thankful that he complied, not to mention he actually sounds...normal for once.

The Beauty Of Senses~ Inuyasha X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now