The Smallest Detail Can Change Everything

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This is so out of the blue, I've never heard of anyone mentioning a shrine before." I say.

"Well I've never been here before so it's not that strange for me. Maybe those people has never reach this high up before? It's pretty far from the plains below." Inuyasha says with curiosity in his voice.

"Perhaps, but the flower petals would have floated down to the lower regions during high winds in Spring, but no one has mentioned it either." I add on thinking of the seasons.

"You have a point there. Let's go and see if there's anyone in the shrine." Inuyasha tells me.

"Since this place is so out of the blue, do you think the goddess that we're looking for may be here? It is a spiritual place." I say with wonder.

"Maybe, but we wouldn't know unless we look around and start searching. Come on." Inuyasha says with eagerness in his voice.

With a gentle tug from his hand, Inuyasha guides the two of us towards to what I assume to the shrine itself. Kirara's big presence follows besides us. The grass underneath our feet rustles, and it tickles my bare ankles when I walk through them. I can hear gentle bells chiming in the distance, the bells around our neck and wrist rings as we walk. This place sound heavenly, the birds chirping around sounds like music as well.

"How big is the Shrine?" I ask Inuyasha.

"Well from the front it doesn't look that big, same from the side. It just looks like a big wooden hut with decorations of bells and hanging decorations of charms. Also there are two stone statues of a female figure on each side of the shrine. Maybe someone's inside." Inuyasha describes what he sees to me.

"I see." I respond back.

With Inuyasha's guidance, he leads the two of us to the bottom of the shrine. Carefully he helps me step on the steps that leads to the entrance of the shrine. The wooden floor echos beneath our feet, I can feel an inanimate presence in front of me. I'm guessing it's the door.

"Let's see if anyone's inside. I'll knock on it." Inuyasha tells me.

I nod my head in agreement. I then hear rack rack sounds of Inuyasha's knuckles against the wooden door. The sound echos with hollowness, the whole field around us goes quiet. I turn my head slightly so my left ear faces behind us, nothing. No birds singing, no animals' light footsteps in the grass or sounds. Everything went quiet except for the gentle whooshes of the breeze. This feels weird. I hear Kirara let out a low throaty rumble behind us.

"Inuyasha are the animals still here?" I ask him.

"Huh?" He replies back confused.

I feel him shifting, and then shifting again.

"Ya, the animals are all here, but they're all just looking in our direction not moving." He says surprised.

"They started looking at us after you knocked on the door. All the sounds from them went quiet, even the birds are silent now. It's almost as if, they are waiting for what is going to happen next." I say wondering.

"Perhaps. They look like they're on guard. The deers are looking straight at us not far away, the foxes and rabbits are looking from the grasses with their ears perked up. The fur on the foxes are standing up. They look like they're ready to pounce." Inuyasha says explaining everything to me.

"Uhm, do you think we should leave? What if they are the shrine's guardians? We may have trespassed." I say to him.

"No, I'm not going to leave, we have something we need to see through. The cherry blossom petals lead us to this place, until we explore the whole Shrine, I'm not leaving. I'm stubborn so it's going take a lot to make me leave." Inuyasha says with determination.

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