Behind the Dragon

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A.N: I'm back! In case any of you only follow this story and want to know why I was gone for so long, I have an explanation and apology in a story on my bio. It's titled "My Explanation" and had a picture of my dog on it cause my dog is my life. Any, I'm so sorry for the delay. Thank you for reading and please enjoy. :)

We followed the first lead. We followed it to another and another and another until we had what we were looking for. Sure, the leads brought us face to face with Maddox until he was blow to bits by an explosive. And, sure, it took us a while to puzzle out any information from the confetti bits left over from the blast, but eventually we got there. Eventually we had a name. This was a name I knew. And just as we realized who this was, I was able to flip on the T.V and stare into the face of my mother's murderer.

Looking into his eyes, my blood ran cold. This was the man who thoughtlessly gave the orders that would wind up causing my mother to bleed to death in an alley way. This was the man who had put my life, and my son's life in danger. This was the man that put Ryan in the hospital where he remained in critical condition. And this was the man who I was going to bring to justice if it killed me. There was nothing he could do to stop me, nothing he could do to prevent his downfall. I vowed to tear him to pieces a long while ago, and that was not a vow I planned to break.

While I focused every ounce of energy I had on meditating a warped reality in which I was able to pull his intestines from his gut and hang him with them, Rick studied me more politely than ever. He watched me focus on the man's face from the break room like there was nothing else beside him in the world. Then, when my body eased from tension and the unadulterated wrath simmered down to an echoing, eternal disgust for the man, Castle came between me and the screen, blocking my view, making sure his presence was known, and then wrapping his arms around me as he did his best to sooth away my pain.

He did better than that, however. I had been so severely angry for so long with no one to direct it at. Now having a face mad everything all the more real. By taking me into his arms, Rick didn't didn't just ease the pain in my heart, he gave me a support system I tried not to rely on for years. His common statement of, "It will be alright, Kate. We'll get him," was honestly believable. For once I honestly felt as though things could eventually be alright.

After a few moments, I let go of him and asked, "Did you go check on B at lunch?"

"Yeah, Kate. He was fussy. I think he wanted his mommy," Rick stated, hinting I should take a break. I knew I really did need to rest. I knew I needed to clear my mind. But as long as Ryan was laying in the burn unit in constant comatose and agony, I wasn't leaving. He knew that too, which is why he changed subjects to, "You talked to Jenny yet today?"

Looking up at him, I recapped, "He's doing about the same as he was yesterday. They're amazed he's holding on and fighting as hard as he is."

"He'll be alright," Rick unknowingly promised. I tried to believe him, but I knew somewhere inside that those odds were stacked too highly against him. It was instinctual for a realist who looked at the world as the glass being half-empty.

After a short while longer, deciding that there wasn't enough evidence to prove anything and there wasn't enough time to fix those documents back together, we looked for other routes. I stayed until eight P.M trying to get some lead, but by then I was so completely fried that I had to go home. Rick had fallen asleep on the couch beside Brayden in his car seat. When I came in to collect them, Castle happily followed in a daze. He went straight to bed when we got back after changing the baby and putting him to sleep. I couldn't sleep. Instead, I laid beside my lover staring at the ceiling and imagining a murder board, sifting through item after item.

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