Raihan x reader-(Childhood friends)

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You like many other girls you have a huge crush on the dragon-type gym leader, Raihan. You follow on (s/m) account, like all his photo and everything. You were one of his first people that join his fan club. But what you different from the rest is that you grew up with him. You were there to watch him off on his league challenge when he got endorsed by the old dragon-type gym leader. Though he probably doesn't remember you.
You sign as you see as Raihan once again posted another selfie. Your partner (F/P) walk up to with a worried look at you. "Don't worry buddy just thinking about that happened a long time ago." You notice another post about ticket sales for a match that happening tomorrow. You light up at the thought of the off chance you could see him again. You bought a front row ticket right away.
As the next day came you went to the stadium extra early to possible see him but a bunch of other fans thought the same thing as well and already swarm him asking for photos. You walk pass the swarm and decided that it was pointless but as you were walking you made eye contact with him and he gave you a wink and a wave. You felt your face heat up and you ran to the audience area were your seat is.
"Heh, he hasn't change has he," you say feeling your face, "neither did I guess." The other fans started to swarm the audience, then not so long after the fight started. After a long hard fight Raihan won the fight. As I was getting up to leave one o0f the workers came up to me.
"Are you (Y/N)?" They asked.
"Ah, yes is something wrong?" You asked.
"Mr. Raihan would like to see you, please follow me." They state as they start bringing to his changing room. As they brought you changing room they open the door and when I walk in they close the door. You look around to see Raihan finishing packing up to when he turns around, he sees you and his normal smile grew even bigger.
"Ah, (Y/N) it so good to see you again! It's been so many years since we see on another." He says excitedly. He walks up to you and brings you into a hug, which cause your face to instantly heat up.
"It's good to see you too. I didn't think you remember me sense its so long." You say looking around awkwardly. He looks at you with a shock face than gives a laugh.
"Oh, boy its looks like we both thought the same thing." He starts laughing and you join in on the laughing. When the laughing starts to die down he look down, "I miss you, I'm so glad to see you."
You smile and you say without really thinking, "I really like you." Right after you say that you cover your mouth. He gives you a shock look and has a slight blush showing on his face. "Ahh sorry! I leave now!" You say as you start running as you were opening the door he grabs your hand. He closes the door and blocks you in.
"Are you for real, do you truly like me?" He asks with huge amount of blush covering his face. You couldn't say a word, so you nod your head as your blush started to rival his blush. Then he starts laughing and hugs you, "We both think the same think this is great. So I guess this is an easy question to ask. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, of course I be your girlfriend!" You yelled and in an instance he takes a selfie with you. You gave a confused look and he notices your confused look.
"Oh, I have to let everyone know your my girlfriend now," he lets a little chuckle out, "are you free tomorrow?"
"Yes I am, why?"
"Cool we will meet tomorrow at 10 for our date." Your face instantly blush and nod. "Your still your still cute as I remember. Come on I'll walk you home."

Thanks for reading there will a second part which will be the date.
Until next time!!!

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