Piers x reader (NSFW)

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Request by: Evecheetah
First one ever written.  Hope you all enjoy!!

You been dating Piers for a few months.  You met him through his sister.  You were one of Piers fans and at one of his concerts you met Marnie.  You two have hit it off well and she wanted you to meet her brother.  When he met you he was interested in you.  And after knowing each other for a while he asked you out.  Now you thought you were ready to take it to the next step.
You were walking over to Piers house.  When you see Marnie walking off somewhere.  She seem lost in thought.
"Hey Marnie!"  You yelled.  She looked over to your direction finally noticing you.
"(y/n) you off to see my brother?"  Marnie asked.
"Yes I am.  Where you off to?"  You question.
"I'm heading over to Morostoke to sign up for the league.  Piers isn't going he said he doesn't want to."  She said. 
"Oh is that time of the year.  Well I won't keep you.  Remember I'm rooting for you"  You say.
"Thank you.  Have a fun time with my brother."  She said before walking off.  You wave goodbye before heading back off to meet Piers.
When you got to the front door you ring the bell.  In a few seconds a tire Piers comes opening the door.  His hair was in a loose pony and he was just wearing a pair of sweats and t-shirt.
"Hey sweetie."  Piers mumble.
"Hello love, are you feeling well you look really tired?" You asked.
"I'm fine.  I was up all night working on a new song."  He said.
"Well let's get you back to bed.  Come on."  You say.  You push yourself inside dragging Piers back to bed.
"Alright, alright." Piers grumble sitting down on the bed.
"Good I'm going to make some food for when you wake up."  You state as you try to walk away Piers grab your hand.  He then pulls you into his lap.
"Instead why don't you help me wake up?"  He suggested pulling you closer.  You knew what he even though you want to do it you couldn't help but blush.
"If you want to."  You say.  He smirks in response sealing your lips.

                       -Smut starts here-

    Piers kiss you hard like he was starving.  You put your hand in his hair and start combing them through.  You got a little moan out of him and you couldn't help but smirk.  You felt something poke at your lips.  Feeling playful you deny entrance.  Piers didn't like that you deny him so he squeeze your butt causing you to yelp.  He forced his tongue into your mouth exploring every inch, leaving no place untouch.  You let out a little whine when he broke off the kiss leaving a trail of salvie between you two.
    "Let's take this off."  Piers growls lifting up you shirt.  Once he remove your shirt he gave a little kiss at your neck. Then he bit down on your neck.  You let out a moan from pain and pleasure you get from the bite.
    After he left a hickey he push you down onto the bed.  He gave a growl of approve seeing the mark he left on you.  Then he unclip your bra and out of reflex you try to cover up but he grab you hand before you could.
"Sorry but your not covering these beauties from me."  Piers said.  He leaned down and started sucking on your left nipple.  You started to squirm and moan from the touch.  Feeling that the left was done he move over to the right.
He started to leave a trail of kisses down as he pulls down your pants and underwear.  Once he finished pulling them down he left a kiss at your womanhood.
"Looks like someone wet."  He said pulling himself back up.
"That because of-"  You started to say but Piers enter a finger inside you.
"Don't waste your voice because you will be needing it later."  Piers said.
He leans down and starts kissing you as he placed a second finger in.  You were moaning into the kiss as he scissor you.  He adds a third finger in and keep kissing you.  You felt yourself build up.  But Piers quickly pull your fingers, you letting out a whine from the emptiness.
"Don't worry, it's time for the main event."  Piers said.  He finally takes off his clothes and letting out his member.
He lines up his member to your women hood but slowly entering.  But once he fully enter you his pace was rapid and quick.  It was until he found your g-spot, you became a moaning mess.  You felt the build and you were about to cum soon.
"P-piers I'm s-so close."  You moan.
"Shit I'm close to."  He said.  You finally broke cumming all over him screaming out his name.  He quickly after release inside of you, filling you up.  After he finishes releasing he pull out.  He gets up and cleans you up before collapsing right next to you.
You were about to fall asleep before Piers said, "I think I'm more tired than before."
"Agreed."  You replied curling up next to him.

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