Hop x reader- (#1 fan)

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Request by:Justahamiltonfangirl
Hope you all enjoy!!

It was the time of the year were the league up and going. You weren't a challenger just one of the people that watch it. But mostly you were going stadium to stadium watching the challenger, Hop.
You were interested in him when you heard he was endorsed by the champion. But when you saw him fight you got so entrance. You don't know why, his attitude or was it because he was the champion brother.
You never talk to him in person but you could tell he was a nice guy. So when you notice that his fighting was off at the fourth gym, you were a little worried. But you brush off thinking maybe he just off his game that day. You fully realise you were wrong when he doing poorly one all the other gyms.
It was after his fight with Melony that he outside the gym when you happen to walk out. You notice that he was a bit down . You want to help him but you are a bit nervous. Your pokemon, (f/p) gave you a little push towards him seeing your dilemma. You nodded at them knowing they were right and took a step forward.
"Your Hop, right." You say.
"Huh, yeah that me mate." He said turning around. He looked gave me a confused look, wondering who you were.
"I'm (y/n) I've been watching all your matches and I wanted to say I'm a huge fan." You explained. His face went from confused to shock.
"You're a fan of mine. Your not just a fan because of who my brother is?" Hop asked.
"I mean that why I got interested in you but now I just watch for you because it's you." You said. Boy were you nervous, the more you talk to him the more you feel that you are making the whole thing worse.
"Heh thanks but I'm not all that good." Hop said looking down.
"What are you talking about you are really good. You adapt to everything that all the gym throw at you! I believe you have it takes to become the new champion!" You exclaimed.
Hop was really shocked at how defense you got with his self doubt. You barely even know him, you only know him through watching his fight. This is the first time you two ever talk. You even believed that he can beat his brother and become the new champion.
"You really think I can become the new champion?" Hop asked.
"Yes I do and I will cheer you on all the way so don't give up." You say.
"I won't give up! I will become the new champion and beat my brother. I gotta go train and get stronger. Thanks for the talk." Hop said running off.
After the pep talk you gave Hop, his fighting got a lot better. He even was able to quickly beat the last two gym leader. He even got to the finals of the semi-finals. Through a hard fight he lost against the other person endorsed by the champion. As you were leaving the stadium you notice Hop leaving. You quickly ran up to him, hoping to be able to talk to him.
"Hop good to see you again!" You yelled.
"(y/n) happy to see you as well mate." He said. You could tell that he was forcing a smile when he was talking to you.
"You did great out there, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time." You stated.
"But I lost." Hop said.
"So what you did so well that I say that was on the same level as the champion matches." You said.
"Think so?" Hop said. His spirits seeming to go up hearing that.
"Yup I would pay to watch it again." You exclaim.
"Well I'm happy that I didn't disappoint you. Hey why don't I buy you dinner." Hop said.
"Are you sure?" You asked.
"Of course you are the person that cheer me one all the way even through my rough time." He said.
"Well if you think so then it would be rude to decline." You said. You saw Hop face got even brighter. You and Hop went and enjoy your dinner together.

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