Bede x reader- (Opal's Counseling)

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Request by mizureemich
The picture above is down right my favorite scene from that came because I felt the fear Bede has in that moment.
Anyway here you go...

You work for the fairy gym. Opal hire you saying she like your style last year. You enjoy working there for her though its she is picky with how things our done. She asks you to help train the person who is going to take over for her. You said yes to helping her and that's how you met Bede.
He seem very stuck up and you were worried about him; not for you but how Opal going to deal with him. And boy were you were right to worry. Opal whip him into shape. You help him train fairy pokemon. As well as you help him get into the finals to fight Victor again. That how you got to know him well and you gain a crush on him.
You were working talking to Opal but when a bunch of pokemon dynamax on their own. You tried to fight one but it was your first time you ever fought one. Your pokemon fainted and the dynamax pokemon was about to attack you but Bede and his pokemon came in and save you.
"Thank you Bede." You say.
"Tch, try not to get in the way." Bede said. Bede finish off the final pokemon and when he went out the lobby Victor, Hop and Pier came in. Bede dealt with them, 'dealt with' means battle them even though they clearly busy. You kept watch Bede during the fight and Opal seem to notice how you were acting.
With a hushed voice so that you could only hear Opal said, "From the looks of it you gain so feeliong for Bede." Your face light up with a bright color red. You look at Opal with the wide eyes and all she gave you was a smirk.
Bede happen to finish the fight and saw you two talking about something. He seems to get even more annoyed than he normally is.
"What are you two talking about?" Bede annoyingly asked.
"Nothing!" You quickly said. Bede gave you look before telling Victor and his gang to get out. A few hours had passed when Opal call you over to talk to you. WHen you walk to her office, Opal was having some tea.
"Hello, (y/n) come have a seat." Opal say point at a seat.
You sit in the chair with nervous voice, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no you did nothing wrong," she said and a relief sigh came out, "I actually want to talk to you about what we were talking about earlier."
Oh no, you don't like where this is going.
"What do you mean?" You asked. She gave a chuckle from your response.
"Oh you know what I mean. I'm talking about your feeling for Bede." She said. You face gain a light blush and you became fidgety.
"Is it that easy to tell?" You ask.
"Very easy to tell but your lucky Bede dense, which is why I telling you to just tell him." Opal said taking a sip of her tea.
"I-I don't know. I don't know if he will feel the same." You say.
"You don't know if you haven't tried. That is all, you may go." She said shooing you off. You got up and left her office. You when you got into the hallway you see Bede walking down away.
The words of what Opal said repeated into your mind and decide to take a chance. You walk up to Bede and he seems to not notice you.
"Bede good to see you." You happily said. Bede jump and starts blushing finally see you next to him.
"Hey (y/n), looks like you were talking to Opal." He said looking away.
"Yeah she wanted to finish the conversation from earlier." You state. He looks away and his face gains a bit of annoyance.
"What were you two talking about?" He asks. Your face gets a bit red and that seems to tick him off even more. You take a deep breath as you mentally prepare yourself to tell him.
"We were talking about you." You say. His face when from annoy to confuse look.
"Is she planning to whip me into shape or something again?" He said. You gave out a little chuckle.
"No, not that. It was relationship between you and me." You nervously say. Bede face even gain more confusion.
"What about our relationship?"
"Well thing is I have been meaning to tell you something. The thing is I really like you and if we can we can we go on a date."
Bede was shock and clears his throat, "I guess we can go on a date tomorrow."
"Really?! Great I will see you tomorrow. Oh, I should prepare. Bye!" You yelled running off, waiting for tomorrow.

Bede walk into Opal office with nervous look. Opal was still drinking her tea and look at Bede.
"So what day do you need off for your date with (y/n)?" Opal asked.
"Tomorrow." Bede mumbled.
"Consider it done. Hope you too have a nice date." Opal said.
"Thanks for helping me." Bede said walking out of the office.
"No problem. It was getting annoying see you two dancing around each other. Oh I better stay alive for the wedding. Got to make sure it has pink in it." Opal said thinking to herself.

Hope you all enjoy
Until next time
Signing out

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