Raihan x reader(PT.2)- (Wedding day)

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Request by: me because me wants.
Hope you all enjoy!!! ❤️

Today was the big day, your wedding day.  Today you were getting married to the dragon gym leader, Raihan.  Raihan propose to you during the exhibition match after his lost in front of thousands of people.  You were right now getting ready with the help of Melony.  After you started dating Raihan, he introduce you the other gym leaders and you became good friends with Melony.
You were right now putting on your dress.  Your dress was very simple.  The dress went down to your legs with a little lace at the end.  At your waist is a silk ribbon on the back. The top was a v going down showing a bit of your chest but not much.  The dress was also sleeveless.  Melony was doing your hair.  She put two small braids meeting in the center then letting the rest of the hair flow.  In the center where the braids met had a dragon pin keeping them together.

"There we go and all done."  Melony said finishing up.

"Thank you so much Melony.  Still feels so unreal."  You said.

Melony let out a little chuckle, "I remember feeling the same way on my wedding day.  Now let's get your makeup done."

She starts working on your makeup.  She doesn't do much just some touch.  When she finally moves and you finally see what you look like in the mirror.  That when you start to tear up seeing yourself.

"No sweetie don't start crying, good thing we use waterproof makeup."  Melony calming said.

"Sorry but I'm so happy.  The day finally came.  Not to mention you did such a great job."  You said.

"Thank you for the compliment.  But you can't cry until you make Raihan cry like a sobble."  Melony jokily said .  You couldn't help but chuckle at the idea.

"I'll try my best to not cry before him.  Though he doesn't even know what my dress looks like.  I wanted to keep it a surprise from him."  You said.

"Well I say that will help you,"  Melony chuckles, "Come on, it's almost time."

You and Melony started to walk to the entrance.  You stood in front of the door you will be walking out of.  You two decide to have your wedding in a church in Hammerlocke. 

"Oh we almost forgot."  Melony said she places the veil on your head.

"Thank you Melony."  You said and just in time the piano starts to play.  Melony gave you a nod as she runs off heading inside.  Then shortly after the door opens allowing you to see everything.

Everyone turned their heads to see you and at the end was Raihan looking at you with the biggest smile on his face.  Raihan suit was a dark blue while his tie is an orange.  You walk down the aisle.  When you got up to Raihan he holds out his hand taking your in his.

He whispered before the priest started talking, "You look beautiful."

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today."  The priest started to say.   You notice that Raihan started to tear up.   Your smile grew even bigger seeing that Raihan was tearing up.  You and Raihan give your vows to each other.

The priest says, "Do you Raihan take (y/n) to be your lovely wedded wife."

"I do."  Raihan said with his big toothy smile.

"And (y/n) do you take Raihan to be your lovely wedded husband."  The priest says.

"I do."  You say you giving a big smiles tears start to fall. 

"You may kiss the bride."  The priest said.

"With pleasure."  Raihan said.  He pulls you in and kiss you.  The kiss feels like your first all over again.  When he pulls away he fully crying, with his big goofy smile.  You wipe up the tears.

You both start to walk down the aisle and people start to cheer as you walk down.  You walk down hand in hand never letting go.  As you two walk through the door he gives you a quick kiss on the lips.

"You the greatest thing I that has happened to me in my life."  Raihan said.

"So are you."  You say right back.

Only if he was real.
Sorry I didn't post Wednesday or Thursday.  I had to write an essay that I had a month to work on in one day and I donated blood so me tired.
So sorry but now school out so I can work on fanfic!! Yeah!

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