Piers x GymLeader!Reader-(Help me out)

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Request by: StarWarpterminal
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Kabu has retire and you took over.  While you didn't use fire types but Kabu enjoy your determination.  While you had no plans of becoming a gym leader you just wanted to work on your inventions.  When Kabu ask you to take over you accept because it might help you with your idea plus you didn't mind having pokemon battles.

Plus you like the gym uniform because you were able to get it custom made.  While it still has the similar look of what it suppose to be.  You have purple color with lighting bolts with a grey trim.  While most people have one glove you have two that are purple and each finger has a lighting bolt.  You have a grey hoodie wrap around your sides and black boots with purple trim.  You also a pair of welding goggles on top of your head.  Your number is 222.

By the theme of your uniform you are the electric type gym leader.  Your team is Boutland, Toxtricity and Morpeko.  While you are still new you got a good reputation for what your challenge is going to be and how similar you are to Kabu when fighting only difference is typing. 

Kabu is helping you set up your gym.  But as of right now you are doing your first job as a gym leader, and boy you are not happy right now.  A bunch of pokemon happened to dynmax at random and now you are stuck dealing with them.

"Kabu is everyone out now?"  You asked.
"Yes they are."  Kabu said.

"Great now we have to deal with this."  You said.  As you were about to enter to deal with them the door opens up.  The people that come through is the new champion Victor, his rival Hop and the ex- dark gym leader Piers.

"Oh you guys came in at a  good time.  Some pokemon randomly dynmax and we need some help."  You stated.

"It's been happening all over the other gyms so we been so we have been coming to help."  Victor said.

"Good to know that we are not the only one,"  You said, "everyone take one."

They all nodded their heads as you went to take out the dynmax pokemon.  You quickly took it out with poisoning the pokemon and then dynmaxing your own taking out in one attack.  You look over to see that the old dark gym leader was able to take down a dynmax pokemon without dynmaxing.

You were surprised that someone was able to fight and defeat a dynmax pokemon without dynmaxing himself.  He didn't even break a sweat from the fight.  Not to mention he not that bad looking.  Wait what?!  Come on (y/n) get that thought out of your head.  Piers looks over to you and his goes to shock.

"(y/n) watch out!"  Piers yelled.  You quickly look behind to see another dynmax getting ready to attack him.  But quickly his pokemon attack it  and knock out the dynmax pokemon.  You look back at Piers as he run up to you.

"Thanks Piers I didn't see that pokemon."  You said.

"No problem."  Piers said.  Everyone else happen to finish up their battles.  You all walk out of the stadium.

"Thank all of you for your help."  You said bowing your head.

"It's no problem, we're happy to help, mate."  Hop said.

"Heh you say that, but I thought I mess up with one of my inventions.  But really thanks."  You said walking up to each one of them.

When you got up to Piers you said, "and thank you for saving me from the pokemon."

"No problem happy to help."  Piers said.  You felt him place something in your hand when he shook.

When they left you look to see what he place in your hand.  He placed a piece of paper in your hand and when you look at it you see that their some writing one it.  It said 'Call me'  with his number on it.  Your face went to a bright shade of red.

"Hm, is something wrong (y/n)?" Kabu asked.

"N-Nothing!"  You yelled.  You will definitely be calling him later today.

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