Leon x shy!reader- (Write it out)

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Request by KawaiifoxBplays
Hope you all enjoy!!

You are a very shy person and tend to stay away from people, especially people who tend to bring a crowd of people towards them. But yet you couldn't help but befriend Leon. Even though he tends to bring a crowd of people due to him being the unbeatable champion but his kind and understanding with you being shy. He works with you and this causes you to fall for him. What can you say opposites attract.
Everyone but Leon notice your crush on him. You were glad that he was dense enough to not be able to notice it. While most people tell you to grow a backbone and just tell him, Hop actually tries to help you confess.
You were at Leon family house waiting for him to come back. You and Hop were sitting in the living room while the rest of the family was getting Leon to make sure her doesn't get loss. Hop was the one who was talking more out of the two of you.
"So (y/n) when do you plan to ask out my big brother?" Hop ask. Your face turn a bright red when hearing the question.
"W-why are you asking me that?" You nervously ask.
"Because you have to be the one to ask him out because he to dense to ever realize." He stated like it was the most obvious thing out their.
"I don't think I would be able to ask him. I'm too much of a coward." You say.
"You should try. I believe you! I got an idea why don't do hand him a letter so you don't have to say it to him." He suggested. Your face had lighter version of red and you nodded.
Leon and the rest of the family walk in. The mom and grandma greeted and started working on dinner, while the dad joined in the kitchen. Leon join you and Hop, he seem to notice the blush on your face. Leon sat next to you and put an arm around your shoulder. You went stiff and if you steam could come out of you it would. Hop almost look confuse with Leon act he just did.
"Hey big bro welcome back." Hop say.
"Yeah good to see you too. (y/n) you staying for dinner?" Leon ask you brushing off Hop.
"Yeah I hope your oh-k with that." You say. You were concerned with how Leon was acting. He seem annoyed with Hop which you haven't seen before.
The mom walk into the living room. She say, "Come on you three its time for dinner."
Hop jump up and ran towards the kitchen. Leon and you got up together. The dinner was peaceful you mostly stay quiet during it, letting the family talking to each other. Leon gave a quick glare to Hop every now and again. When dinner was done you help clean up, even though they protest you say it was the least you could do for having dinner with them.
It was getting late and you were thinking about heading home. You walk up to Leon's mom.
"Thank you for having me but I must get going." You say.
"Oh is it really that late. I'm so glad to have you. I would say Leon would take you but he bad with direction." She said.
"No that's fine I should on my own." You say. You start to leave when Leon came up to you.
"(y/n) you heading out," Leon ask; you nod in responds, "cool let me a least walk you to the station at least."
"Are you sure? Your bad at directions." You say.
"Hey I may be bad at them but I'm not that bad. All you gotta do is go straight" Leon said opening the door for you. You exit the house and made your way to the station with him.
The walk was mostly quiet and in your mind was Hop say about writing it out to tell him. But you didn't know how. So during the quiet walk you came up with a way to tell him.
"Hey Leon, I need to tell you something?" You asked.
"Sure you can tell me anything." Leon replied.
"Can you give me your hand?" You asked with a confused look Leon gave you his hand.
You took it and one his on his arm you took your pointer finger and use it as if you were writing something. Your wrote out on his arm, 'can we go out on a date sometime. I really like you.'
It took some time for Leon to fully get what you say but his when he did his face went fully fluster.
"A date with me? Are you sure." Leon ask all you do was nod in response. Both of your faces were completely red. "If you want, we can do it next week."
Your face lit up when hearing that.
"Awesome, then I'll see you next week." You say heading off to the station saying goodbye to Leon.
You really need to thank Hop next time you see him.

Took Leon an hour but he finally found his back to the house. Not that he didn't mind he was happy. When enter the house Hop came running towards him.
"Bro, where have you been? You know you shouldn't go off on your own." Hop asked.
"I just bought (y/n) to the train station. Plus I got a date with her next week." Leon said. Hop face had a shock look to him
"Wait really?! That great she finally ask you out?" Hop ask extremely excited for the news. Leon just walk by Hop patting his head. Secretly glad that there was nothing going on between the two of you.

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