Child!Hop x Child!reader- (childhood promise)

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Request by Hedwigg394
Hope you all enjoy.

You and Hop were right now playing with his Wooloo. You live Wedgehurst while Hop lives in Postwick but lucky there close enough to be able to play together.
You two met when the champion was heading back home and Hop was there with his mom to pick him up. You two really click over your love of the champion. Sense then you two been glue to each other side.
"(y/n)! Watch this!" Hop excitedly yelled.
"Got it!" You say.
"Wooloo use tackle!" Hop yelled. His wooloo roll and ram his head in the fence barely shaking the fence. Though the attack was weak but two child that was impressive.
"That was awesome! At this rate you will be the new champion." You said.
"Of course as the champion younger brother it to be expected." Hop said.
"You think so?" The two of you look over to see that Leon and his charizard just got back to hear you two talking. Both of you ran over to him.
"Did you see what wooloo did brother. Soon I will be taking you on." Hope happily said.
"I can't wait," Leon said, "We will talk more later. Got to see the rest of the family." Leon and charizard both left the two of you to go play.
"Soon I'll be able to fight him and I'll win." Hop said.
"Yup you will and I will support you all the way." You say.
"You will? Over my brother?" Hop ask.
"Yes I will. I come and watch all your matches and I will cheer the loudest!" You yelled.
"Well with you cheering for me then there is no way I could lose." Hop proudly said.
"How about we pinky promise." You suggested.
"Pinky promise for what?" Hop asked.
"That I will cheer you on all the way and you won't give up." You said holding out your pinky.
"Oh k its a promise." Hop said wrapping his pinky around yours.
"I promise to cheer you on all the way." You say.
"And I promise to never give up until I become the champion." Hop said. You both let go of each other pinky feeling proud of the promise you two made.
"Come on let us both start training." You said running towards the grass.
"What do you have to practice for?" Hop asked
"My cheering dumby. Now are you coming or what?" You asked.
"I'm coming, come one wooloo." Hop said. Both of you train on your promise you made until you had to go home.

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