Leonx Raihan's sister!reader- (Permission)

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Request by: velma_Emily
Text- Bold- Leon normal-you
Hope you all enjoy!!

You are Raihan little sister by 2 years and like him you are a dragon user. The team you have is a Noivern, Drakloak, Flygon and Duraludon. In fact you both of you got your Duraludon at the same time. You help Raihan train all the time sense you are better at single battles then he is. You both live together due to working in the same place plus rent is cheaper that way.
Raihan is one of those brothers who are overprotective. With that meaning he scares away any guy that tries to talk to you. Though you get annoyed sometimes but you remember that he won't stop plus if they get scared of him they might not be good friends in the end.
You also the sister that cheers him on all the way. Going to all his matches and cheering him on. Which is where you met Leon in person.
You met after one of their matches when you went to meet up with Raihan and tell him he did great. Leon being the nice person he is went to introduce himself but your brother being who he is went overprotective giving Leon the biggest of death glares. But Leon look past that and still talk to you.
You were a bit shocked that someone was still able to talk to you after Raihan goes to protective mode but it was a nice change of pace. You and Leon really click and became good friends. Though still protective of you, Raihan haas became a little less protective of you with Leon.
You were right now training your pokemon in the wild area. As you finish up a fight your rotom phone starts going off. You open it to see that it was a text from Leon.
'Hey where are you right now? I got something to give you.' The text read.
You replied back, 'I'm in the wild area right now.'
Quickly a text came back from him saying, 'Cool can we meet up at the meetup spot.'
'Sure I'll see you there.' You text. You return Flygon to his pokeball as you started to walk over to meetup spot. You were curious what Leon had got you.
As you get there you see Leon was there already. From what you see he had a pokeball in his hand. Maybe he wanted to battle you?
"Leon I hope you didn't wait too long." You said as you walk to him. When you greeted him it seems to knock him out of whatever trance he got himself into.
"(y/n)! No, I didn't wait that long. I'm so glad you could make it on such short notice." Leon said.
"It wasn't a big deal I wasn't really do anything. You said in your text that you had something for me?" You asked.
"Oh right I do, here you go. You can open it." Leon said handing you the pokeball that was in his hand. As you took it he starts to fidget around and his face went bright red.
You open the pokeball and out came an Applin. The Applin came up and started to nuzzle at your neck. It took you a moment to realise what the Applin meant. You heard from some of your girlfriends that they wanted the boy they like to give them an Applin. When you give someone an Applin is one of the most romantic things out there and the couple usually stays together.
You look up at Leon with shock look on your face. All that does is make Leon face go even brighter.
"Are you asking me out?" You asked.
"Yeah, it took a while to be able to." Leon said.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yeah to get Raihan to allow me to ask you and find a way to ask you. Then to get an Applin without making it faint." Leon stated.
"Wait you got me brother's permission?!" You yelled.
"Yeah I did, wasn't the easiest thing out there." Leon said. What did this man had to do to get you brother permission. He can barely stand you being next to another guy.
"Thanks Leon for the Applin." You said.
"Yeah no problem, wait does that mean you?" Leon asked.
"Yes, I would love to go out with you." You say. It was almost like Leon had to reboot because he froze for a minute then pull you into a hug.
"This is great, come on let's go out to eat to celebrate." Leon said grabbing your hand.
"Sure." You say being dragged along by Leon.

As you got back home with Applin still on your shoulder. You saw Raihan relaxing on the couch looking through his phone.
"I'm home brother!" You yelled.
"Welcome back little sis-" Raihan started to say before noticing the Applin. He's got annoyed and went back to looking at his phone.
"I should say thank you for giving Leon permission to ask me out. Your the best big brother out there." You said.
"Of course I am as long as you're happy." He said.
"By the way, what did Leon had to do to get your permission?" You asked. All Raihan did as a response was given out a chuckle.

Thanks you all for reading!
Plus thanks for the 22k reads. That makes me happy to see!!
Until next time
Signing out

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