Allister x Male!reader -(A fellow ghost)

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Don't question. I just find this funny.

Request by: MintyFreshzHope you all enjoy!!

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Request by: MintyFreshz
Hope you all enjoy!!

Allister the ghost type gym leader and the youngest person to become a gym leader.  He is older now but very similar looking as he was when a kid but taller and bulkier but still skinny.  He still as shy and hides behind the mask.

Raihan has told Allister that his cousin was coming back from Kalos.  Raihan also said that he also uses ghost types and he should meet him.  Allister was didn't want to at first didn't want to but Raihan mention that you have some ghost type that aren't from Galar and you use mega evolution.

Allister hearing that got curious what pokemon you had that weren't from around here.  Plus this mega evolution thing her hasn't seen or heard about it before.

Now here Allister sitting outside the Hammerlocke station with Raihan waiting for you.  Boy Allister was now regretting this whole thing as people staring at him and Raihan, wondering what they are doing.  Allister fumble with his sleeves and kept staring at the ground trying to avoid the stares.

"Yo Raihan good to see you!"  A voice yelled.  Allister look up to see a guy wearing a grey hoodie that has gold zipper across the chest; wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of grey boots.  They had (h/c) hair that match their (e/c) eyes.  The guy also pokemon on his shoulder that he never seen that matches the theme of his outfit.

"(y/n) welcome back, I haven't seen that pokemon before."  Raihan said walking up to you.

"Oh him this little guy is, Banette I got him in Kalos,"  you said, "Oh who the guy over there?"

"This guy here is our very own ghost type gym leader, Allister.  I thought it would be cool if you two have met.  Allister this is my cousin, (y/n) another ghost user."

"Another ghost user, well I would love to have a fight with you."  You said reaching out your hand.

"Mm nice to meet you, too."  Allister said reaching out his hand.  Allister was shocked with how much of a strong hold you had.

"Well if you want to have a pokemon battle then let's head to mine gym."  Raihan suggested.

"I would be down for that if Allister up for it."  You said.  Your Banette gives a happy noise to the thought of having a battle.

"Mm I don't mind." Allister said.

"Great!  Let's get this battle started."  Raihan said.  You and Allister follow him to his gym. 
When the two of you got to the battlefield you took out one of your pokeballs.  Your team is Banette, Mismagius, Doublade, Trevenant, Rotom and Pumpkaboo.

"I hope you are ready to lose Allister because I'm not losing!"  You yelled.

"Mm you talk big hope you have a bite to back it up."  Allister said pulling out one of his pokeball from his sleeve.

"This is going to be great."  Raihan said.  Raihan rotom phone flying around broadcasting the event.

You and Allister set out your first pokemon and the battle started.  The battle was close you both got down to your last.  When Allister sent out he Gigatamax his Gengar.  You were shock tolding forget that was Galar thing.  You look at your Banette who gave you a chuckle.

"Well why don't we show Galar the power of mega!  Banette mega evolve!"  You yelled.

The fight ended in a tie both of them fainting at the same time.  You sigh has you return Banette into his pokeball.  Allister mask almost fell off in surprise of the outcome, returning Gengar to his pokeball.

"Mm I guess you do have a bit of a bite to back it up."  Allister said.

"What do you mean?  I went easy on you, our next fight I will win."  You said.

"Mm I doubt it but I can't wait for our next fight."  Allister said.  What you didn't know Allister was smirking behind his mask.  Allister enjoy the fight and was glad that Raihan introduce him to you.

'Hey let me know when the next fight is up, so we can live stream it again.  The fans love the fight and want to see more mega evolution."  Raihan said as hie photo fly backs into his hand.

"Heh, Raihan I think you just want more views."  You said.

"Now that's now true." Raihan said getting all defense.  The two of you start talking while Allister stay quiet.

Allister was debating on whether to ask you something.  He might be coming to much on.  But he also he didn't know how long you are staying.  He decided that it would be better to ask.

"(y/n) how long do you plan on staying in Galar?"  Allister asked.  You were caught off guard with what he asks.  Raihan was even confused with what is going on.

"I'm staying over here now, why?"  You asked.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to work at my gym."  Allister said.

You face showed shock and then gave you a smirk, "What so I can win and then I can take over the gym when I win."

"Mm I don't know about that but you could try."  Allister said. 

"Well I would be happy to accept."  You said.  You almost thought you heard a chuckle from Allister.  Allister was happy that you will be working for him.


Raihan and Leon were having a pokemon battle.  Leon of course won the fight.  When they set had the camp set up and they were making curry.

"You know how my cousin just came back from Kalos."  Raihan said.

"Yeah, why?"  Leon asked.

"I think Allister has a crush on him."  Raihan stated.  Leon gave Raihan the 'WTF' look.  Raihan just look at him with a straight face.

"Does Allister realise this yet or..."  Leon asked.

"I don't think so."  Raihan said.

"So you want to make a bet."  Leon suggested.

"Of course I do."  Raihan said.  Leon giving a chuckle as a responds.

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