Bede x reader- (where have you been?)

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Here it is, sorry it's late.

You been worried about Bede ever sense Stow-on-Side. When the person he keeps on a high pedestal told him a failure. He been missing sense when you finish the fairy gym and head back to Hammerlocke. As he was talking to you Opal came up and drag him away. Now you are at the final about to re-fight some gym leader. You were told to come onto the area. When you were waiting for who you see were fighting.
You are shocked to see Bede walk out onto the area. But what catches you off guard his what he was wearing. Instead of his normal outfit he wearing the fairy-type gym uniform. You were so shocked you didn't notice him talking.
"Please let me fight (y/n) and if I lose then I will quit being a pokemon trainer." Bede pleaded. What did Opal do to him?! "What do you say (y/n)?"
"I'm willing to fight if we can talk after this." You say. Bede chuckles.
The speakers turn on and state, "The champion Leon has agreed to this request." You give a smile and bring out your pokeball and Bede as well and the battle began. You both gave it your all and you came out on top. But everyone still cheer and even asking Bede to continue to still be a trainer. When you walk back into the changing room you see waiting there Bede sitting there.
Bede notice that you enter the room. He gets up and walks up to, "So what did you want to talk to me about. I'm going to get an earful from Opal after this so hurry up." Ah there the Bede the jerk you know, glad Opal has not completely change him.
"Where have you been?!" You asked.
"Opal drag me away to be the new gym leader." He said deadpand.
"I notice that with what your wearing. But I mean where have you been after Stow-on-Side?"
He clearly show some discomfort with you mentioning Stow-on-Side. "I-I got my thing taken away from and I kept begging for it not to be taken away. But I was trick!" You could tell Bede was clearing shaken when he was saying all that.
"But still I don't think it should have been taken away. You did find long forgotten history of our heroes." You state but that still didn't make him feel better.
"I fail the chairmen and I fail myself when I did that."
"You didn't fail anyone! You were being used, you had no idea what you were doing is wrong. Please don't say that you fail."
"That not the reason why."
"Then why?!" You have no idea why you are getting so angry at him but something inside you made you upset. Until you got pushed up against the wall and then pin by Bede. You were about to ask what is he until he slientless you with his lips. As quickly as it happened it ended.
"I feel like I failed because I won't be able to see you again. I didn't know why at first but I want to do the gym challenge at first for the chairman but I also want to do it to see you again. When I told I would not long be able to I got scared that I wouldn't see you again but then Opal came along. I went through the hell she gave me so I could see you again because I realise why. I like you." He said that with the most serious look he ever given.
He left you speechless you didn't know what to say he just pour all his feelings about. You felt your fach heat up. You just realise it as well. Why you were so worried for him. At first you did the challenge so you could beat Leon but once you saw Bede for the first time. You got curious with him for not caring for the champion, but slowly you start to think about Bede more and more to the point he was the reason why you kept going. Now you realise why, you have gained feelings for him.
You didn't know how to put it all into words so you decide to act out your feelings and you kiss him. He was shocked at first but he started to kiss back. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arm around your back. The kiss was so sweet and felt so right and long overdue. You something poke at your lip and you realise what it was. You slowly open your mouth to along it in. His tongue dance around inside your mouth feeling every part of it. You both finally part finally needing to breathe. You were both panting.
"I guess you feel the same way." Bede said panting.
"Yeah I do and that felt nice. I wouldn't mind doing that again." You say panting. You got a little chuckle out of him.
"I would enjoy that as well but you got a match to win." He says. You felt upset about that but you knew you did.
"You do have a point. Don't worry I'll win and become the new champion." You say putting your fist into the air. You ran towards the area and wave goodbye with a new found energy.
Bede was walking back when he see Opal. To the best of his ability he tries to avoid her but to no avail.
"Well you finally came back." Opal said with a stern voice.
"I was talking to (y/n)." Bede said looking down.
"And clearly more than just talking." She said with a smirk.
Bede face was completely a bright red. "H-how did you know?" Bede embarrassed.
"A woman always knows," she said with a bigger smirk, "plus you got a little lipstick on your lips."
Bede face went even brighter as he wipes his lips to try to get the lipstick off

Hope you enjoy, remember you can give request.
Until next time!!


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