Leon x One Arm! reader -(Clumsy Fan)

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Requested by: Trystan_Lunastart

Sorry for the long wait!  I had a big old writers block/ writers will to.  But I'm back into it, hopefully.

Hope you all enjoy!

Due to some problems when you were born you lost your right arm but that doesn't stop you. While you were made fun of it a lot you but you end most of the time turning it around. You live your life like any other person, with the help of your service pokemon, Arcanine. He would walk everywhere with you and help you out by carrying items, grabbing things; and due to only having one arm you have a bad balance so if you would to trip he would catch you before that. Which you did very often.

You also like many others are a huge fan of the unbeatable champion, Leon. You go to all of his matches and watch them with Arcanine. Though your Arcanine won't admit it he's a huge of Leon's Charizard. But you are really nervous to meet him because of you only having one arm. That is your only nervousness about you only having one arm. You thought it might be troublesome for him.

Today was another one of your days you were getting ready to see one of Leon's matches. You were making sure you have everything in the bag on Arcanine. Arcanine has a red harness with a bag on each side as well saying 'Service Pokemon'. You double check yourself looking in the mirror.

"Yup all good," You said with a nod, "Ready to go Arcanine?"

Arcanine let out a bark with a nod walking to the door and opening it.

"Well then let's go! Let's go cheer on Leon and Charizard!" You yelled walking out of the doors. Arcanine let out a bark as he close the door. Quickly following after you.

As you got to Wyndon stadium you saw how large the large crowd surrounding the front area. You couldn't tell who it was at first but as you walk past the crowd you saw Leon and Charizard in the center of the crowd. You look at Arcanine who was looking at you with a curious look on his face. You chuckle patting his head.

"Come on, let's go get our seat." You said. You gave one quick look at Leon before you walk into the stadium. As you look you could have sworn that Leon was staring at you. But you quickly assume that you were imagining things as you walk inside the stadium.

As you walk in you walk up to the booth and got your ticket. When you get to your seat it is in a special area. A place for only people with service pokemon. The seats are farther apart from each other so the pokemon can sit next to their trainer. For people that our blind there are headphones were they would describe the fight out for the person. As well as more feature for other problems. A few other people were sitting in this area as well.

After a bit of a wait Chairmen Rose came out and give his speech before Leon came out. Today once again he was having a pokemon battle with the dragon tamer and master of weather, Raihan. When the battle starts you and Arcanine watch in awe of Leon performance. During the fight when Charizard got sent out, Arcanine let out howl out of excitement. Then quickly and horribly play it off like it wasn't him. As well as all the other fights Leon won in the end.

You waited for most people to leave so it would be easier to leave. When you out of the stadium you saw that Leon was finishing up the last of his autograph. You were paying attend to were you were walking and only notice were you were walking when Arcanine bark. But when you finally notice that there was a yamper in your path causing you to trip. Luckily in time was able to use extreme speed to catch you in time.

"Hey, you aren't hurt?" Someone ask. When you look up you saw that it was Leon as he walk up to you with his Charizard. Oh no, is this how you are really going to meet him? You tripping over something! You really wish you were paying attention.

"A-a yeah I'm fine. That happen all the time," You saw standing back up, "thanks Arcanine."

Arcanine gave a little nod before he looked over to see that Charizard was looking at him. He gave a proud look for being able to give a good impression to his celebrity.

"Are you sure?" Leon asked.

"Totally as I said before this happen all the time. Luckily I have Arcanine with me all the time to help me, right buddy?" You state looking at Arcanine but he didn't respond just looking proud.

"Heh he got a bit of ego on him." Leon said.

"Oh no. He is a huge fan of your charizard so he is proud of his way of meeting him." You said. Arcanine looking at you giving you growl and you could tell he is embarrassed. Leon chuckle seeing that responds from him.

"Hey what's your name? I believe I saw you before the battle." Leon asked.

"Oh you did well by names (y/n) and I have to admit that I'm a huge fan of you." You sheepishly said.

"Well (y/n) it's nice to meet a fan and charizard can also agree to as well." Leon said and charizard let out roar in response. You look over to Arcanine and could tell that he was fanboying right now. You and Leon both chuckle at seeing how they both react.

"Here you go." Leon said handing you one of his league cards. You look at it and you notice that it was his rare card.

"Wait your rare card?! Are you sure?" You asked.

"I'm sure and especially for a cute girl like you." Leon said. Hearing him say that your face went bright red and before you could say anything Chairmen Rose came up.

"Leon we must get going." Rose said.

"Right, well (y/n) it was nice meeting you and I hope we meet again." Leon said before walking off. Charizard look at Arcanine and gave a nod before joining Leon.

As they walk off you and Arcanine look at each other giving the biggest smile. You were so nervous to meet Leon due to your arm. But he didn't even seem to mind that fact and he even call you cute. You look at the rare league card he gave you and you notice along with his signature he put his phone number. Your face explode with a bright shade of red.

"AAAA LET'S GO HOME ARCANINE!" You yelled before taking one step before tripping again. Once again Arcanine caught you again and just carry you back home as you had a little fangirling episode.

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