Teen!Allister x reader- (love at first sight)

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Request by nightmare_Nightlina

You are a fairy-type user that lives in Stow-on-Slide. Your pokemon team is Hatenna, Sylveon, Weezing, and your partner Mimikyu.
Most of your friends say your the mom of the group. You always help people out and take care of others. With the combination of your outgoing personality that you have a lot of friends.
You and a few of your friends were out shopping at the street market. You were mostly just looking not really interest in anything. Your friends were looking at some of the pokemon items. Off in the distance is a boy hiding noticing that you were there.
Allister has grow up a bit. He has gotten taller but is still shorter than you as well as skinny. He still wears the mask and keep the traditional baggy gym uniform. He was trying to hide from you.
He has seen you before and to him it was love at first sight. Though he knows that you two are exact opposites. While you were out going, he was shy. You are mother-like, he was someone who ran from people. Even your pokemon type are different. But even still he couldn't help but fell in love in you. Even though you never had a full consideration, minus the time you said hello to him.
He was really nervous right now. There you were right in front of area he needs to go. He was shifting in place holding a pokeball that holds his Mimikyu. When ever he got nervous he would send out his Mimikyu for comfort.
He sends out Mimikyu and pick him up. He quickly started walking past you hoping won't notice him.
"Hey you got a Mimikyu, too." You stated. Oh how could he forget, you have a Mimikyu as well. In fact that your main pokemon. He really didn't know what to do. He looked over to see that you walk up to him.
"Mm I guess." He quietly mumble.
"I'm (y/n) nice to meet you. From your outfit it looks like you work at the gym." You said reaching out a hand.
"Y-yes I'm Allister." He squeakly spoke shaking your hand. He so glad he had the mask because if he didn't you would see how bright red his face is.
"Oh wait your the gym leader. I'm so sorry that I didn't recognize." You say. Oh boy your voice is so sweet to hear.
"N-no i-it's f-fine." He said. He really wish he wasn't so nervous talking to you so he won't fumble over his words. He heard some of your friends calling you over.
"Hold on a second, let me finish this up," you say before looking back, "I have to go but why don't we meet up another time."
Was this a dream come true for him, you were asking him to hang out. He was nervous but now he is even worse. He couldn't say a word so all he did was nodded.
"Cool why don't we exchange numbers so we can plan to meet up." You suggested.
"S-s-sure." He shakily said handing out his phone. You took his phone and place your number. Then you place his number in your phone before handing it back.
"Cool, can't wait to meet up there. See you later." You said before running to your group of friends.
Allister watch you off before he ran off to where no one was. Once he was there he sat down on the ground. His face was completely red and if steam could come out then people would think there was a fire around. His mimikyu look up at him with confusion.
"Heh I talk to her today." He said to himself. Even though he fails horribly on talking, he was so glad to talk to you. He opens his phone contacts and look at your phone number. He change (y/n) to (y/n)♡.
He stood back up and return mimikyu back to his pokeball. Heading back to where he had to go.

Your friend look at you before asking you, "Who was that?"
"Oh him, he new friends." You say blushing. Your friends look at each other giving a knowing look. You couldn't wait to meet up with him again.

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