Chapter 1

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The room spun, a dark, blurry image. I blinked a few times, forcing myself to open my eyes. Where the hell was I? It definitely wasn't anywhere I knew, that was for sure. The first thing I picked up on was the musty aroma that hung in the room's air; it was the kind of smell you'd find in an old castle or something.

I finally became aware that I was sprawled on the floor, in an unfamiliar bedroom. The wallpaper was peeling in places and the floor was made of rotting, creaky planks. A large king sized bed was situated in the centre of the back wall. A wooden chest of drawers lay knocked over across the closed wooden door. A battered wardrobe stood alone, the door open a crack. A few candles dimly lit the room but most of the edges and corners were completely pitch black.

I tried to move but screamed as agony shot through my head like a bullet. I put my hands over my face and when I brought them back they were covered in blood. I began to hyperventilate. What scared me the most was that I had no recollection of what had happened or where I was. I heard movement in the corner and tensed up, expecting something to jump out and kill me.

"W-who's...there?" I shouted, my voice breathless and weak. A stranger answered, he spoke with a French accent and if I wasn't in so much pain I probably would've found it attractive.

"Oh good, you're awake. I didn't think you'd make it."

"Wha..? Where are we? Who..who are you?" Just thinking too much made me want to pass out again but I fought off the darkness that was trying to overpower me. The stranger slowly emerged from the shadows. His golden skin reflecting the candlelight. And when I say golden, I mean it looked like metal, shiny and inhuman. He wore a golden cloak and a piece of head-wear that looked like a cross between a turban and a beret. He carried a gold sword that was attached to his belt. His shoes had slightly curled toes. The fact that this new character seemed to be entirely made of gold didn't phase me. However that was probably due to shock.

He froze momentarily as if he had just remembered something that he had forgotten to do. He dipped a short bow in my direction and said, "Hello, I am Stephano." then stepped over to me and lifted me up into a sitting position, propping me up against the end of the bedpost.

"Where..are we?"

"Brennenburg castle. I've lived here all my life. Terrifying place, but don't worry. I'll protect you Charlotte."

"Brennenburg?" I'd heard that name somewhere before. I don't think I'd ever visited the castle but the name of the place rang a few bells. Something else bothered me about this 'Stephano' guy, besides the obvious facts, how did he know my name?

"Excuse me...Stephano? But how do you know my name?"

He huffed, irritated. I guessed he wasn't the type to answer a lot of questions."The bracelet, on your arm. It says Charlotte on it."

"Oh, right." I mumbled, feeling stupid. Another wave of pain and nausea hit me and I groaned, clutching my head. He leant over, inspecting the cut.

"I've seen worse, but I'll agree it looks painful. Here, I think I can help." He pulled out a bottle and a bandage from a small pouch on his belt. "This'll ease the pain." He said, handing me the small bottle. I took a sip and spluttered. It was truly vile, I gulped the rest down, forcing myself to swallow it and almost gagging at the taste. Almost instantly the pain reduced from my head and I sighed with relief.

"Thanks." I sighed.

"You won't drop dead - well, hopefully not. Though you might feel a bit faint, so if we need to run then I suppose I shall have to carry you."

 I chuckled weakly and felt a faint blush creep onto my cheeks, I'm pretty sure I saw him glare at me though so I coughed a little and attempted to start a conversation.

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