Chapter 4

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Stephano looked up, he was beaten and bruised, but showed no signs of weakening. They had punched him, kicked him, and slammed him around the concrete cell. If he'd given into pain he probably would've fallen into a comatose but no, Stephano was a fighter. 

The tall figure of Victor Barrel loomed over the crouching man, it was a sight Stephano was getting used to seeing every time he woke up.

"Sleep well?" He asked, kicking him full force in the stomach. Stephano grunted and doubled over, but still took whatever Barrel did to him with little protest.

"We've not found your friends yet, but I have my best men hunting them down. It won't be long until I finally capture Pewdiepie," he clapped his hands and smiled gleefully, "won't that be a marvellous day?"



I opened my eyes to view  the room we'd stayed in overnight. We'd finally made it onto the third floor after what had seemed like weeks of searching. We were almost killed at the stair case by what the others had told me was an 'untrusted' but I had a rather heavy stick and things got a little messy. It turned out that I was an excellent fighter with a melee weapon.

I had a few cuts but nothing major. Mr Chair's wounds were now just scars and Pewdie was lucky to have only a few scratches.

Mr Chair and I had gotten to know each other a little more, and I guess we were pretty close. We didn't have time for long conversations; we always had to move fast.

I hadn't had a proper meal since before I had arrived in the castle; We'd found a stale (but still edible) loaf of bread that we shared out a few nights ago but that had been it.  No one liked to think of food, or of the fact of just how hungry we all were.

I had been sleeping on the floor curled up against Mr Chair's side. He would always hold me close to him in his sleep, presumably so he knew that I was safe. He breathed softly, the small puffs of warm air tickling the back of my neck.

I couldn't understand why this was taking to long. I knew that the game 'Amnesia' was originally about a place like this and I was pretty good at that game. If I were playing this adventure on a computer back at home, I probably would've completed it in less than two days. This was completely different though; you could actually get hurt here, and your injuries had to heal before you did too much and made them worse. This was real life and we had to be careful. There was no sprinting down corridors shrieking for the monsters to come and get you, instead you had to be alert no matter how tired or ill you felt and there was always the knowledge that the next step you took, could be your last.

Pewdie was still easily distracted he found it difficult to stay quiet and not scream at the slightest thing. Even though, around us, he was happy and cheerful, when he thought he was alone he looked sad. Two of his friends had already died, and now his closest friend had been taken. He needed to get back to his old life, he was homesick. I could tell.

Mr Chair had an amazing way of defence. If a monster was nearby or going to attack us he would proclaim "Chairmode activated!" and then he would somehow become invisible to the monster. I just hoped if he came back with me, that never happened. He'd tried to teach me it and I was near enough able do it. Pewdie just couldn't concentrate for long enough to go into chairmode. Every time Mr Chair tried to teach him, he'd see something 'more interesting' and walk off.

Pewdie was lying beside me, resting his head on his arms and sleeping face down. Usually, I was the first awake, though I'd pretend to sleep as that way I didn't feel so alone. I was afraid of total solitude, it meant I had no help or company. Solitude meant I was vulnerable.

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