Chapter 20

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Nothing lasts forever. Some last longer than others but everything has an end. There was a way to reverse this. The effects had to wear off eventually, she just had to speed them up before it was too late..but how? How could she fix this? How could she set things right before her own time ran out? She feared she had little time left as it was and if she succeeded at this then that time would become a lot shorter, perhaps even run out completely in a matter of seconds, in an instant. It was worth it, they would be more happy, maybe even escape.

The current matter at that moment however was, how was she going to do this? A simple conversation would work but it wasn't enough, old emotions would have to return by physically doing something. It could be from a simple brush of the hand to a kiss. But she would have to understand the entire thing first, and believe the truth.


Author s Note.

This is a very special chapter that in the original plan for this story would not have been allowed it to be written. I have decided to do most of this chapter in G's point of view as this is an extremely important part that she is involved in. If you can guess what is happening then keep it quiet! But I applaud you for your quick thinking. This is a one-off as I can't reveal an awful lot about G.

Enjoy :)




I had been gathering items for my plan all morning. I'd snuck out of the tower and traveled to the room that they should've been safe in. Oh, why had it failed?! They must've found the other mirror or something. I forgot how the knights work..

I took charlotte's hoodie that she had been wearing when they arrived, I took what was left of Pewdie's old shirt and Mr Chair's sweater vest. It was a good start I guess.

Next would be a really difficult part. I had to get rid of the potion. Switch it for something harmless..perhaps the reverse? This meant sneaking into Barrel's study without him knowing. The punishment for getting caught was probably death.

I happened to know the reverse for the particular potion in question. There was a bottle of it in the store room. You see, I did know a fair bit of alchemy from living here for several years. I had stolen books and studied hard. I knew every nook and cranny in the castle and could travel blindfolded and find my way out. You may wonder why I hadn't already left. The reason is one that I am ashamed of.

I'm a coward. I've always been far too scared to do so. Recently I'd been feeling stronger. I'd sneak out of tower more and talk to the people in the dungeons. I wanted to help them but I feared that if my plan failed then we'd be doomed! I couldn't let them suffer like I did. My own life didn't matter as long as theirs were spared.

Had things gone too far already? I mean....I saw them... Ugh, it's so repulsive to even think of what happened. I know it was just them in the same bed and all but I already guessed what had happened..she wasn't the first one either....but it was different. This plan was original, and at least this version of her..liked it. Utterly revolting..excuse me while I throw up. This man..this..sick excuse of a man does this to the people he traps. The worst part is that no one will ever find him because I doubt this castle is on any map..or even in the world I once lived in. In the time that I had been there I had seen and heard so many deaths, none of them peaceful. I heard their final screams as he tortured them until their last breath. I heard their wails of agony as the blood ran out and the bitter sobs as they realised that it was the end.

I awoke on the cold stone floor, wrapped in the old rags of the jumper I had once worn. It smelt of home. A faint, cinnamon apple scent still lingered in the fabric after all that time. I didn't fit into it anymore but I didn't get rid of it.

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