Chapter 17

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As the weeks went by Barrel and I grew closer. In the evenings he would come and see me. We would talk about things such as his plans, my studies and he would tell me stories about my life in this castle.

The book that I had currently picked up seemed oddly familiar. It was full of song lyrics and the pages were browning. It was leather bound and handmade. I found sheets of piano music for the songs stuck in the back and began to teach myself to play.

It seemed I had a natural talent for the instrument. I would practise and play for hours on end, singing along to the haunting melodies I played. I'd heard them all before but I couldn't remember how or when.

My voice floated down the halls, bouncing of the walls and swirling down the tower. At the bottom it could still be heard with the sharpest ears.

On this particular evening I had been singing rather louder than usual as my voice had become a lot more powerful than I used to be. Barrel came into my room, I was concentrating too hard to notice him. He sat down behind me and didn't make a single sound until the song ended. His hand scooped a strand of my hair over my shoulder and let it cascade down my back. I was startled.

He chuckled, "Did I scare you? My apologies."

"No no, I'm alright. You just startled me slightly. You're early."

"Well I couldn't help but listen to your voice. It truly is beautiful my darling."

I blushed a little and turned to face him. He was wearing a black shirt and tie and slim, suit trousers. A few strands of his brownish hair fell across his face and his brown eyes flickered red.

"I wanted to tell you something too but I have decided to wait until the time is right."

"Oh..alright then Barrel."

"Please Charlotte. You deserve to know that my name is Victor. So long as you don't use it against me."

"Victor? I like that. Victor Barrel. That's nice. And why would I use it against you?"

"Names are powerful things. A person could use another's name against that person to practically control them."

"Really? Well in that case couldn't I be being controlled by you right now?"

"Ah-..well-..of course not! Who do take me for!?"

"Only the most brilliant, evil man I've ever met." I smiled, "I like evil."

"Why thank you." He replied with a grin. He cupped my face in his hand, brushing his thumb across my dry lips. It felt right, but couldn't help feel wrong too. His gaze fixed upon my own.

"Do you really have to leave so soon?" I sighed.

"Who said I have to leave at all?" He smirked and brought his lips to mine.


I fluttered open my sleepy eyes the following morning and stretched, becoming aware of my surroundings. I blushed profusely as the memories of the previous night came to mind. I was lying under the covers, Barrel's arms were tangled around me and my head was nuzzled under his chin. His breath was warm on the back of my neck and he mumbled unconsciously in his slumber. There was a soft knock on the door. I already knew who it would be.

"Come in." I called, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

"I was just coming to ask if you'd see-" She froze. Eyes as wide as dinner plates, staring at me. Her lips struggles to find words and her face showed pure horror and disgust. "Ah." She squeaked and backed out. Shutting the door behind her. I heard running footsteps, she was probably running downstairs to hide among the other worthless souls.


Mr Chair

Running, echoing footsteps snapped me out of my dream. Someone was coming and it wasn't Barrel. Charlotte perhaps? I sprang alert, peering down the corridor. The footsteps grew louder and I heard the panting of the newcomer. It was the serving girl from the night Charlotte was taken. She came full pelt up to the door and paused for quite a while to catch her breath before even attempting to speak. She looked like she needed to tell us something urgently.

"What? What is it?" I asked, getting to my feet.

"Charlotte" She couldn't finish the sentence but her face showed what had happened.

"They what?!"

"I'm sorry..I-I didn't actually see them it's just that well...I saw him and her there and then I just ran and-"

"I don't want to know," I snapped, "she's lost now..there's no hope.."

"Please don't cry Mr Chair." She stuck her small hand between the iron bars and wiped my eyes gently with her thumb.

I composed myself, understanding that I wasn't helping, being in this state. "B-but what c-can we d-do?" I choked, trying to keep the hiccup-like sobs from escaping.

"I don't know..she won't listen to me! If only I could speak to her when she's fairly calm or the potion is weak or-"


"Well not everything lasts forever. This potion has a rather strong effect but lasts for a short period of time. Barrel just keeps on topping it up. Putting it in her drinks and things like that."

"Well can't you just switch the drinks around then?"

"I'm not sure if that would make things better or worse. It's too risky."

"Hold on- How do you know this?"

"I may have 'borrowed' a few books from his study in my time here." She smiled cheekily and I returned a small grin.

"Er..what was your name again?"

"G. Just G for now."

"Weren't you the one who-"

"Shhh!" She said sharply but nodded, "no thanks necessary seeing as it went horribly wrong. I just wanted you to be better off then I was.." She cast her eyes to the floor.

"Hey, it's the thought that counts."

"Anyway. I should get going, they'll be needing their breakfast soon and if they don't get what they want then-" She shuddered and drew a finger in a line across her neck.

"You'd better hurry then. Thank you G."

"I promised to try and fix this. Now get some sleep! It may be morning but you look exhausted!" She ended, bobbing a curtesy and scurrying off. Poor soul...

My mind was too cloudy to even begin to attempt to sleep. How could could she?! I knew that it wasn't really her but how could she?! Disgusting images created themselves in the dark corners of my mind and swirled around me in a taunting fashion. Mocking me, jeering at me, laughing in my face. She couldn't do this! I couldn't take watching this anymore! I hadn't ever loved anyone as much as I loved Charlotte. I couldnt take witnessing her acting like putty in his slimy, filthy hands. I would rather die than live with this but I couldn't bare with the thought of leaving her for forever. I just had to think of a way..

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