Chapter 28

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My dress was looking rather disheveled as I made my way towards the grand hall, now barefoot.

I tried my best to smile and look happy but in reality I was dreading the whole thing more than anything else that I had ever experienced. My heart thudded against my rib cage as though it would burst out. My nerves made me tremble and with each step it almost felt like I was shrinking.

This was it, this was our last chance. No, my last chance, to stop Barrel. One slip up and it would all be over, I would become no more than a puppet controlled by the demon himself. From what G had told me, he would just toy around with me until he found new pray, then I would just be disposed of. I had to find some kind of distraction, but what could I do that he wouldn't foresee? I gathered that he wasn't the most naive person and he had his suspicions about how much I knew about what was really going on. If I made an obvious diversion, he would surely stop me.

My pace quickened as my mind raced. Before I knew it I was stood at the large entrance to the grand hall. The double doors loomed over me, the red paint was beginning to flake off of the thick wood. The hinges were caked in rust but the door itself showed no signs of decay. I pushed at the doors but found them locked. Instead, I timidly knocked against the hard surface and stepped back, awaiting an answer.

After a short while, the doors opened themselves with a slow creaking sound. Seeing nobody who could have opened them, I nervously stepped forward into the room.

At first, I was almost happy. It was a breathtaking place. The grey stone walls towered up into an arced ceiling, stained glass windows let in rays of orange ad red light from an unseen world out of the castle. A huge golden object swung from the ceiling and made my blood run cold. It was almost like a bird cage, though I knew that it was for no bird. It had been my idea after all.

There wasn't much furniture besides an ebony altar at the opposite end to where I stood. Atop it was a wine red cloth and two silver chalices. In front, with his back turned, was Victor Barrel himself.

Chained together with shackles and guarded by the untrusted were Mr Chair and Pewdie. They stared at me with sorrowful eyes front he side of the room. I felt a pain in my chest when I saw the look of sheer heartbreak on Mr Chair's face.

"Charlotte, darling" Victor called to me, still facing away, "don't be shy, my dear. Come forward."

I tried my best to walk in a straight line though a mix of fear and nerves made me dizzy and I kept stumbling. I thanked myself for not wearing those shoes as I would probably have broken my ankle by now. I blinked a few tears away. I shouldn't cry, I wasn't that weak. I forced a small smile on my cheeks and made my way up to where Barrel stood.

"And now," He spoke again, never once turning around to glance at me, "let the ceremony commence."



The intense throbbing of my head was what brought me back to consciousness so quickly. It made me jerk awake quite suddenly. I moved my hands up swiftly to grip the bandaged wounds on my temples but instantly realised my mistake when the pain worsened. My surroundings were alien to me. I knew I was laying on a bed and I could see that I was in an unfamiliar bedroom. My initial thoughts were ' drunk was I last night?' but then I remembered the whole situation. This was nothing to do with drunken shenanigans, I almost chuckled at my own stupidity. I guessed someone had taken me here whilst I was out cold.

The room was pretty tidy, the furniture looked near untouched and the other side of the bed was neatly folded, whereas mine was quite crumpled now. I should remember to straighten it out when I left.

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