Chapter 6

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He looked up through the skylight in his acclaimed tower in the old castle. He didn't ever use the top floor as his own room. That was where his prisoners stayed, if they were worthy, or if he just wanted some fun.

Sighing with boredom, he stopped looking out into the vast night and looked around the room instead.

It was a cute little round room in perfect condition.

The large bed was neatly made and it's emerald silk quilt hung over the edges of the foam mattress. The pillows were stuffed with the finest feathers and the canopy had velvet curtains hung all around it.

A dressing table containing all sorts of fancy jewellery and make up stood next to the bed. It was made of pale wood and had a little wooden stool underneath it too.

A wardrobe was situated opposite the bed and in between the door and the window. It contained all kinds of dresses and shoes.

The door was wooden but had a rectangular window in it with iron bars across it. The key was a huge heavy rusty item that he kept in his study. No one would steal it because there wasn't a single way to break into this part of the castle. Or out of it.

He headed out of the room and descended the spiral stone staircase until he reached the ground floor.

He swept along the narrow passages, his long tan coat billowing out behind him. He reached his study and unlocked the door.

The study was a small rectangular room. It contained his desk and chair, a dirty red leather couch and an enormous bookshelf, crammed full of reference books.

He sat at his desk and placed a large crystal orb in the centre of it.

He lightly brushed his hand over the cold, smooth surface.

The ball glowed and an image revealed itself.

A young woman, who didn't look much older than eighteen, stood inside a completely bare room. Her blonde hair fell limply down her back and her blue eyes were tired and dull. Her jeans and top were blood stained and she carried a grey hoodie made of a towel-like material.

She was so pretty, beautiful in fact. He smiled slowly and menacingly. If all went according to plan, soon he would have a new toy to play with.

There were two others with her, both men. One, a thin but strong young man with a green beret and vest. The other his arch nemesis, the swede, PewDiePie.

His plan was running smoothly now, they were in the right place for their capture. It wouldn't happen straight away though. No, that would be too predictable. Instead he'd set up a few..surprises for them.

He watched them intently for a few more minutes as they banged on the locked door in frustration. To them, they appeared to be trapped but they weren't. The girl began to scream and the man in green comforted her lovingly. Oho..

What did we have here now?

His plan became more diabolical by the second as he extended it so that it would destroy them completely.

He swiped the crystal ball with his hand once more and the image disappeared. Placing it back on the shelf, he headed back out to visit his latest captive.

The iron gate swung open with an eerie creak.

"Get out."

"Oh, now there's no need to be rude." He replied slipping on some white cotton gloves.

"I wouldn't be polite to you anyway."

"My my, we are an angry little thing aren't we." He stepped right up to the statue and stood infront, looming over him.

"What are you planning?"

"What do you mean? I am not allowed to treat guests well?"

"I am not your guest."

"Well in that case.." He brought his fist up in one sudden swift movement, most likely breaking the man's nose. He didn't even flinch.

He kicked him in the stomach, the young golden man couldn't fight back as he was chained up. He still didn't seem damaged, his face screwed up in pain for a second but was then okay.

No matter how hard he was punched or kicked it didn't seem to bother him.

In a final attempt to get a reaction. He slowly pulled off his left glove. Pointing his palm upward his clicked his fingers. Once.

The statue was pushed against the wall by an invisible force, so strong that it could shatter all of his bones in a second if the man had wanted to go that far.

The golden statue writhed and strained under the force, finally showing the pain he was feeling.

Snapping his hand shut in a sharp gesture, the man's body contorted and he dropped, he fell silent.

And the other man left.



My screams echoed off the stone walls as I hit the door. We were trapped, there was absolutely nothing in there at all and the door had locked itself once we'd all entered.

I sat, hugging my knees, leaning against the stone bricks. I was cold and tired and hungry and homesick. I'd cried a lot in the last forty eight hours. I cried for Stephano, for my family, for the fact that I'll probably die. I cried for my love. For Mr Chair.

"Shh, it's ok. I've got you." I cried into Mr Chair's vest as he rocked me gently like a small child.

"I want to go home." I whimpered.

"And I'll make sure you will. I hate it when you cry." He wiped away my tears with his thumb.

"I don't want to die..I don't want to lose you.."

"If I lost you my world would end."

"Mr Chair?"


"I think I - I lo-"

There was a sickening crunch, and everything went black.

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