Chapter 25

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I had done nothing but run, I had never stopped, never rested, I had barely even breathed. I just ran. The metallic trail had stopped a while ago and now I was following my own instincts. I figured that everyone would've been trying to get out so my best hope was to aim to reach an exit.

I was so exhausted and my muscles cried out for me to stop, or at least slow down. My broken arm bounced around in it's makeshift sling, causing me more pain than I needed to be in right then. I was on the ground floor now if I was correct...we had been on the third floor when we were attacked so that makes sense.

This floor was much more open compared to the others. The walls were still same damp, grey stone but the halls were much wilder, much grander than those of the upper floors. I had carefully found and descended the stairs a while ago and was now on my way to the front door.

Which was locked, of course.

There was another huge double door to my right but that too what locked. I had been hasty about entering anyway. There was a lot of noise coming from inside. Clattering armour? A sound like someone rolling something heavy and wooden around, the clank of chains pulling something upwards, heavy footsteps and a voice. I pressed my ear to the door, listening intently.

"Make sure he can't escape. You! Fool.. You think these will hold the lock?! Fetch some stronger ones!" An angry voice yelled, heavy footsteps clanked way with a mutter of

"Yes Master...Sorry.."

"Now, make sure his sword is in its sheath and that the blindfold is as tight as it can go without killing him."

Another voice spoke up, "So after this is set up, what then?"

"Well quite obviously we bring them all in. Set up that altar will you? You two stand either side. That's it. Now make sure the rings are the right ones."

"Yes Master." The voice hissed, there were more rolling sound and a scraping noise like someone dragging a table accross the floor.

"Good. Now, once he's inside this, unit three will bring this up to the rafters. Understood? Just check that the servant grunt won't fall to it's death. Good, we'll need twelve at the least." Most shuffling and then silence.

I was crouched with my ear pressed up against the door, heart pounding against my chest, scarcely breathing. I had that uneasy feeling that something bad was going on in there. I just hoped that Pewdie wasn't involved... There was no sound for quite sometime and then I heard doors opening and the dull noise of something..or someone being dragged across the room.

"Is he unconscious?"

"No master, just quiet for once."

"Hm..well keep a close eye on him."

"Yes master."

Someone turned a key and a lock clicked shut. Heavy chains hauled this 'thing' up to the ceiling and the conversation became to quiet to be heard. I moved away from the door, wondering what I should do. I was torn between being the hero or the coward. Should I save my friends or watch them fall and save myself? I wasn't selfish, I was just scared.

I decided that if I was going to save him I would need to rest first, and then obtain a weapon of some sort. I crept back along the route I had come, scanning the area thoroughly for something I could use. Nothing, just as I expected.

Back upstairs it was then, I sighed and began to retrace my steps. I was slightly irritated at the fact that I hadn't thought to bring a weapon in the first place but oh well.

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