Chapter 9

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We were still trapped.

Nothing had happened for days and I was surprised that we hadn't starved yet. We had a water supply, dripping from a crack in the wall. It wasn't fresh, it probably wasn't safe either but it sustained us.

I was glad that if I were to die here, I would die with my love.

PewDie ignored us for the majority of the time. He'd either draw on the wall, or lie flat. On his back, staring into space thinking. He wasn't ok but whenever I asked him what was wrong he'd snap at me.

"I'm fine. Go back to whatever the fuck you're doing."

It made me sad because I wanted to help him. I wished Stephano was still here. He'd know what to say to him or what to do. I hoped he was alright. I wondered if he missed me too.

I looked up at the ceiling, laying beside Mr Chair. Why were we trapped? The door had disappeared shortly after we'd entered and we'd been trapped ever since. I was beginning to think that we were either trapped until we starved or there was a puzzle to solve. A puzzle that would get us out of here, or give us food at the least.

Leaping up I began to scour the room, in search for something. I don't know what I was looking for, just something to help us.

After being unsuccessful and only finding a few beetles, that crawled up my arms and terrified me, I decided to look for hidden buttons. By testing every brick in the room.

Mr Chair and PewDie helped too. We gotten through most f them in about two hours or so.

"That's it then? We're stuck for good?" Mr Chair asked,slightly crestfallen.

"It can't be. We've checked every brick right?" I was so desperate to get out.

"Nope! There's still the ceiling and floor!" PewDie spoke up for the first time in a while.

"Hurry up then!" None of us could reach so Mr Chair propped me up on his shoulders and I pressed my fingers up onto the bricks one by one, he steadied me each time I wobbled.

About half way through we struck gold.

The brick pushed inwards more than expected and there was a hissing noise. Placing me on the ground once more, Mr Chair turned to me ecstatic. He picked me up by the shoulders and spun us around laughing merrily.

"We did it! We did it!" He cried.

I ran over and began dancing with PewDiePie victoriously.

"Wait a second.." I froze, "did anyone else feel that?"

"What?" Asked PewDie.

The floor shook.

"That." I replied.

"Oh shit.."

Mr Chair came over and held me close to him.

We were all frozen to the spot. Not daring to move for fear of what was happening.

The floor shook again, this time slightly stronger.

"What's happening?" I hissed.

"I don't know. But I don't like it." Mr Chair replied.

The floor shook once more, so violently that I almost lost my balance.

And then it opened up.

We tumbled down. Falling faster and faster. Screaming, I caught Mr Chair and PewDie's hands and we braced for impact.

But instead of the hard floor we were expecting, we hit something soft.

"What the...?" I asked, shaken and dumbfounded at what had just happened. I sat up and looked around, dazed. We'd fallen onto a huge pile of soft hay. Looking up I saw that we must've fallen at least the same height as three or four storeys.

"What de fahk?!" PewDie yelled, getting up and dusting himself off.

We were in a dark room. I couldn't see a thing. Taking Mr Chair's hand and interlocking our fingers, we stepped forward into the gloom.

All the lights turned on.

And yet another mystery was revealed.



Again I'm so sorry for the length of the chapter. I wrote this while on a plane. The action chapter's like the next one will be longer I hope and I couldn't write a lot because I had motion sickness but I had four hours to kill and needed to have something to post in case I had wifi. I didn't have enough to buy it as the resort (it was pretty crappy anyway)

So I apologise for the shortness and lack of detail or action in this and also for the lack of updates.

Hope I you guys didn't mind too much


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