~Josiah POV
"Josiah its some shit you not telling us." Landon said. "Nigga what are you talking about?" I asked. "DeShaun was cool when it was just me and Landon. And I asked him if the person who took his ass was someone we knew and he said yes. Then you walked in and his heart started going crazy. You telling me that ain't a little suspect?" Jayceon said. Then my mind started to wander. I'm not a 100% sure that DeShaun was unconscious when I killed that man. What if he saw me? "I'm out." I said walking out.
I was gonna sit in my car until I seen Landon and Jayceon leave. After they leave, I'm gone go back in the room and see what DeShaun knows.
After about 20 minutes, I seen them come out. I got back out my car and went back in the room. When I walked in, I could see the anger in his eyes. I started laughing just to piss him off even more. "You know about me dont you." I said making him nod. I walked over to his broken leg and put my hand over it. I put a tight grip on it making wince in pain. "If you fucking rat me out, I will kill you, Jayceon, Landon, and anybody else that you close to." I said letting go. "Keep ya mouth shut."
**Later That Night**
~Jayceon POV
I pulled up to my mom house to pick up Jaybee. I knocked on the door and she opened the door. "Hey son." She said opening the door. I walked in seeing Jaybee on the couch sleeping. "Thanks for watching him." I said picking him up. "Anytime. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." She said smiling. "I bet." I said shaking my head. "Listen son, if you like her, you like her. I know how you feel about relationships after Naomi but not everyone is like her." She said.
"Thanks for the advice." I said sarcastically. I walked out the door putting Jaybee in the car. I made my way home and went straight to bed.
**Next Day**
~Landon POV
"So he's okay?" Iyana asked me referring to DeShaun. "Yes now stop stressing. We need to get ready for your check up." I said rubbing her belly. With all this shit going I honestly forgot Iyana was pregnant. "I'm ready." She said getting out the bed. We walked out to the car and made our way to the doctors office.
"Iyana Harris." The doctor called out in the office. Me and Iyana both stood up following the doctor to a room.
"So you're about a month in a half?" She asked making me raise a brow. "Yes." Iyana said. Iyana told me she was pregnant about a week ago, but she's known for this long.
**"Everything seems to be fine. Do you have any questions for me?" The doctor said wiping the gel off her stomach. "Nope." She said. "Well you're good to go." She said walking out. "So you've know you were pregnant for that long?" I asked making her roll her eyes. "Landon can we not argue about that. It's not that serious." She scoffed. "It is though. Why did you wait so long?" I asked. "Landon let's go." She said hopping off the table.
"No. Tell me why?" I asked. "Because I wasn't sure if it was yours." She said making me clench my jaw. "But I thought you said you and ole boy always used protection." I said raising a brow. "There was one time where we didn't." She said avoiding eye contact with me. "So you lied." I scoffed. "Landon you act like you're some fucking angel. You raw dogged some random ass stripper, remember that." She said.
"I'll be waiting at the car." I said walking out.
~Morgan POV
I made my way to Aaliyah's house. This will be the first time seeing her since Marquis died. I pulled up to her house and rung the doorbell. "Oh my gosshh Mo!" She said hugging me tightly. "I missed you so much." She said. "I missed you too boo." I walked in her house and sat down. I seen a picture of me, her, Marquis and both our parents. "I remember this day." I said smiling picking up the picture. "This was the last picture of all us before mom and dad died." She said.