Lost And Found

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~Morgan POV

"Ma can you please shut up." Kingston said. "Y-You used to what?" I said. "Kingston did time in jail for pimping out little girls for money. He brought a girl over here and turns out it was some underage girl that he pimped out. He got out on good behavior."

"You done ma?" Kingston said. "I bet you he didn't tell you he had kids." She said. "That's it. We leaving, cmon Mo." Kingston said getting up walking towards the door. I was still sitting. "It's Morgan not Mo. Please mama, tell me what else I should know about your son?" I asked her. "He's been to jail for several things. Child endangerment with his own son. Domestic violence. Aggravated assault. The list goes on."

"Wow." I said shaking my head. I got up walking out. "Morgan!" He yelled running after me. "MORGAN GET YO ASS BACK HERE!" I turned around looking at me. "You brought me down here to make a fool out of me or something? You said there was things I was going to find out." I said. "I was talking about meeting my kids." He sighed. "THE ONES YOU PUT IN FUCKING DANGER! I LET YOU AROUND MY DAUGHTER!" I yelled. "I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU!" I yelled.

"Watch yo tone when you talking to me!" He said getting in my face. "What! You gone hit me nigga! I dare you, I'll have people at yo doorstep bitch." I scoffed. "Morgan can we just talk this out?"

"Talk it out? How in the hell am I supposed to talk this out with you? You pimped out little girls. You put your child in danger. YOU WENT TO JAIL FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!" I scoffed. "That was in my past Morgan. I've changed." He said. "Good for fucking you. Sick bastard." I said walking off. "MORGAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" He yelled. "Away from you." I said walking off.

I pulled out my phone Facetiming Jayceon.

"Jaybee get yo ass off my couch like that." He said answering the phone. "Wassup." He said looking down at the phone. "You been crying?"

"I need to get back to Miami." I said wiping my tears.

"What happened Mo?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later. You think you could send somebody here for me. I will not spend another day with Kingston."

"Yeah I'll make some calls." He said.

I hung up the phone getting a car back to the hotel.

~DeShaun POV

"Kendall? What you doing here?" I asked. "Well aren't you going to invite us in." She said. "DeShaun who's at the door?" Ashanti said walking up. "Um, Ashanti this is my ex girlfriend Kendall and my son DJ." I said. "Nice to meet you." Kendall said holding her hand out. Ashanti ignored her. "Why DJ got a suitcase?" I asked.

"Can we please talk alone." Kendall said. "DJ go inside for me real quick." I walked outside with Kendall. "What's going on?" I asked. "Before you even showed up in Nashville I was thinking about getting my life back on track." She said making me raise a brow. "What you talking bout?" I asked.
"Going to college." She said. "Okay that's good but that still don't tell me why y'all down here."

"I was really hoping you would take care of DJ." She said making my eyes widen. "Take care of him? On my own?" I asked. "It would just be for a few years." She said. "A few ye- Kendall do you hear yourself." I said. "Please DeShaun. This would be the time where y'all could truly bond with each other. No interruptions. I'm going to college in Jacksonville so I won't be that far." She said.

"I have no problem with it but it's like, you ain't give no type of warning or anything." I said. "I didn't think you'd agree."

"Agree with taking care of my son?" I said raising a brow. "I didn't mean it like that. But thank you so much for agreeing." She said with a smile. "No problem."

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