~Third Person POV
"They're both dead." Landon said looking at DeShaun's body. "Fuck man." Jayceon said rubbing his hands down his face.
~Ashanti POV
"What the fuck is taking them so long." Morgan said. "I'm going in there." I said walking off. Morgan was walking with me. "I'LL STAY HERE!" Jeremy yelled from behind us. I walked inside seeing Landon and Jayceon looking on the ground. I pushed past then seeing DeShaun on the ground. "No." I said dropping down to my knees. "GOD NO!" I felt my heart break.
"DeShaun wake up! Please wake up!" I yelled shaking his body. Tears were pouring down my face. "Ashanti baby come on." Morgan said trying to grab me but I couldn't let go. "DeShaun please. I need you here. I can't lose another man that I love." I sobbed.
I felt someone grab my hand. I looked down seeing DeShaun's hand on mine. "HE'S ALIVE! WE NEED TO GET HIM TO A HOSPITAL!" I yelled. "Go get the car." Landon said to Jayceon. He ran out doing as told. "DeShaun baby stay with me please." I said holding on to his hand. "Let me grab him Shanti." Landon said. I got up moving out the way. He grabbed him carrying him out to the car. Me and Morgan followed behind them jumping in the back of the truck.
Jayceon pressed the gas speeding to the nearest hospital.
~Jayceon POV
We had gotten DeShaun to the hospital and he was in surgery. I feel like shit. I just lost my mom yesterday and now this. I looked up seeing Ashanti crying. She had his blood all over her clothes. I walked over sitting next to her putting my arm over her. "Don't fucking touch me." She said flinching away from me. She got up walking away. I followed behind her.
"So you're mad at me for this shit?" I asked. "Don't you dare try to make this shit about you. DeShaun could die and all you had to do was put your pride to the fucking side and go in there with him. You questioned his loyalty like he didn't help you get out of jail. Like he isn't the reason you aren't being somebody's bitch right now. I swear to God if DeShaun dies tonight, I'll make sure you never see another day of light." She tried to walk off but I grabbed her arm.
"Ashanti I'm sorry." I said. "You should be." She pulled away walking back. I went outside to get some air. "What was that all about?" Landon said walking outside. "Me realizing how much of a fucked up person I am." I scoffed. "You're not a fucked up person. Stupid? Definitely, but not fucked up. Nobody's in the right state of mind right now. We could all lose somebody we love and you already did. Just chill and hope for the best." He said.
"I heard my mom take her last breath yesterday. Now this shit with DeShaun." I said shaking my head.
**Hours Later**
The doctor walked in and up to us. "How is he?" Ashanti said. "He's blessed. The bullets didn't do any real damage as far as we can see but he lost a lot of blood. There's signs that show's he's sleep deprived so he needs a lot of rest." He said. "Oh thank God." Morgan said. "Can we see him?" Landon asked.
"Yes sir. Follow me." The doctor said. He walked us to his room. "He's not awake yet but just in case he does let's keep it to two people at a time." He said. "Yeah of course."
Me and Landon went in first.
He looked horrible. You could tell he lost a lot of blood. I walked up to his bed. "I'm sorry man." I said clenching my jaw. "I should've went in there with you." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. His eyes slowly opened. He looked over at Landon. "Where's Ashanti?" He asked him with a raspy voice.
"Outside. I'll get her." He said walking out. Ashanti came in. I walked out letting them get their own time.
~DeShaun POV
Ashanti walked in and with tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay." She said kissing me. "Is he dead?" I asked. "Yes, he's dead." She said bringing me a sense of relief. "Now what?" She asked me. "I'm done." I simply said. "What you mean?"
"I'm done with all of this. My plans haven't changed about me quitting. That was my last time doing anything dealing with this business."
"Are you sure about that?" She asked. "Not really. But I can't take no more of this shit. I never wanted to be in this business to start with."
"If thats what you want." She said. Jayceon walked back in. "You think I could talk to him for a second?" He said to Ashanti. She looked back at me. "Wait outside for me real quick." I said to her.
"I don't got the energy to argue with you." I said once Ashanti was gone. "I'm not here to argue. I'm here to apologize." He said. "That's a first." I scoffed. "Look if I could've went in there I would've."
"I didn't want you to. I went in there to kill him and I did." I said. "And you almost got yourself killed in the process." He said shaking his head. "I'm still here aren't I?"
"I'm sorry for dragging that whole beef shit the way I did. You was there for me even when you didn't have to be. And I appreciate you for that." He said. "Cool."
He held his hand out for me to shake it. I looked him up and down before shaking it.
~Jayceon POV
We all spent a few more hours at the hospital before leaving. We got a room at a hotel. "Can we stop by the store for a second." Morgan said. "Yeah." There was a Publix up the street so I stopped right there. She went in there with Ashanti. "Did y'all hash it out?" Landon asked. "Yeah."
~Ashanti POV
"What do you need out of here?" I asked Morgan as she walked to the pharmacy section.
"Please don't tell anyone. But I think I'm pregnant."