~DeShaun POV
"This some sort of joke right?" Jayceon said sliding the letter back across table. "All her clothes were gone. She's not here." I said. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY KIDS!" He yelled. "SMITH SETTLE DOWN!" The guard yelled. "They're at your moms house."
"I told you stay with her and make sure she's safe. Not pick and choose what day you want to be there. Now she's fucking gone because of you." He scoffed. "Because of me. I'm not the one who was in a fucking relationship with her and got locked up cause of a broke down baby mama. She's gone because of you like the note says, don't try to lay this shit on me." I got up walking out.
"I'm going back to her house." I said starting the car and pulling off. "For what?" Ashanti said. "Morgan didn't write that bullshit ass note. Josiah did."
~Morgan POV
My eyes slowly opened feeling my arms tied behind my back and my feet tied together. It was dark but I was moving. I felt the motion stop making me realize I was in the trunk of a car. A few seconds later the truck opened revealing Josiah. "Hello beautiful." He smiled. He picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. I couldn't scream because my mouth was taped shut. We walked into a house and he threw me on the couch. He ripped the tape off my mouth. "HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed. "You can scream all you want, no one can hear you. These walls are sound proof. This is your new home." He smiled.
"W-Where are we."
"Montana. Make yourself comfortable because you ain't going nowhere. Nobody can save you now." He smirked.
~Deshaun POV
We walked inside the house looking around. "What are you looking for?" Ashanti said following behind me. "Something that shows Josiah was here."
"It seemed pretty hostile in there with Jayceon. What happened to you two?" She asked. "Josiah happened." I said still looking around. "You guys need to really have a heart to heart." She said making me stop in my tracks. "Stop talking." I said.
"DeShaun I'm serious, you need to talk t-" I cut her off. "Ashanti shut the fuck up." I yelled turning around. She had the biggest mug on her face. "Do you hear that?" I said. "Hear what?" There was a beeping noise. I followed the beeping noise trying to find out what it was. "DeShaun what is that noise." I opened the cabinet seeing what it was.
"Ashanti, run." I grabbed her arm dragging her out the house. As soon as we made it out, the house burst in flames. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" She yelled. "Somebody knew we were coming back. It was a bomb." We got in the car calling 911 before pulling off.
~Landon POV
"So tomorrow you're going to come back over and we're going to record the video." I said walking Rebecca to her car. "Okay. I'm headed to see Jayceon now so I'll tell him everything." She said. "Alright." She got in her car pulling off.
I walked back into the house seeing Iyana waiting on me. "You two are sure spending quite a lot of time together." She said. "Iyana I'm not bout to do this." I laughed walking to the bedroom. "I'm just saying, she's been here every day for hours. How big is this plan?" She scoffed. "You try going off the grid for murder." I said laying on the bed.
"Do you like her?" She asked. "You been smoking?" I asked making her raise a brow. "Because you on that bullshit right now."
"I'm just saying I don't want to get cheated on again."
"You act like you didn't have an entire relationship with another dude. Need I remind you, you were completely fucking sober." I scoffed. "I'm just sayi-" I cut her off. "Yeah you need some time to yourself cause you clearly don't know what the fuck you saying right now." I got up grabbing my keys off the dresser.
"I'm pregnant." She said making me turn around. "What?" I said. "I found out when you went to Daytona. I was scared to tell you." She said. "This is good news baby. Why would you be scared to tell me." I said sitting down with her on the bed. "Because of what happened last time. I was scared it might affect this baby." She said with tears forming. "We'll go to the doctor tomorrow and see."
~Morgan POV
I woke up seeing that I was in another room. My hands and feet were free. I got up going to the door and it was unlocked. That was weird, why would he leave the door unlocked if I'm untied. I walked out the room looking around for a door. I went downstairs seeing Josiah in the kitchen. "Perfect Timing, I just finished dinner." He smiled sitting a plate on the table. It was spaghetti. I wasn't going to eat it. He probably put some shit in it to kill me. "Morgan, eat." He said clenching his jaw.
"Why do you keep doing this. Why can't you just leave me the hell alone." I said. "If you want to talk about shit like that, eat. I promise there's nothing wrong with it." He said sitting down with his food. "Take a bite out of it and I'll eat it." I said crossing my arms. He took a bite of his food. "No you fucking idiot. Take a bite of mine." I said making him stand in front of me. He took his hand putting it around my throat. His grip tightened as he stared me into my eyes.
"Watch how you fucking talk to me." He said through gritted teeth. He let me go taking a bite of my food. "See. If I wanted to kill you I would've fucking did it by now. But don't fucking push me." He said sitting down. I was starving, I hadn't eaten all day. I sat down going ham in the food. Not going to lie, it was actually good.
"Their going to come looking for me you know that right?" I said looking up at him. "You think so?" He said laughing a little. "Because as far as they know, you couldn't take being a mom to two kids so you ran off." He smirked. "I would never abandon my children!" I semi-yelled. "Never say never."
"What is your point in doing this. You got Jayceon in jail, isn't that what you wanted all along? To get him out the game."
"I had nothing to do with Jayceon going to jail. Somebody did my job for me."
~ashkash2💋Sorry for the short chapter😬