*A Few Days Later*
~Jayceon POV
Me, my sisters , and my mom were all sitting in her room. The doctors said today would probably be her last day. "Jayceon." My mom said making all of us turn around. "Yes mama?" I responded. "You got weed on you?" She said making me raise a brow. "Mama what?" I said confused. "Do you have weed on you?" She asked again. "Um yeah. Why?"
"I want to go out how I used to do in the old days." She said sitting up. "Mama you used to smoke?" JaMiya said raising a brow. "Girl I used to do everything." She said making all of us laugh. I pulled out a blunt from my pocket handing it to my mom.
"Well y'all ain't gone make me smoke by myself are you?"
~Morgan POV
"I've been thinking bout what you said." Josiah said as he paced back and forth in the basement. "And?" I said lifting my head up. "You can meet them. But you will be wired. Don't say shit about me at all. Tell them you're fine. Don't blow off no signals because Maurice will be there." He said. "W-Why cant I meet them alone?" I said. "Don't make me change my fucking mind. You're about to call Jayceon and tell him to meet you tomorrow at Wynwood Diner 7:00 p.m." He said pulling out a burner phone.
"Dial his number." He said tossing the phone to me. I dialed it waiting for him to answer. "You have reached the voicemail b-" I hung up. "Well there goes your chance." He said laughing. He reached for the phone but I stopped him.
"Wait can I call one more person. I know they'll answer." I said. "No." He said. "Please. Just one more call."
~DeShaun POV
"So there is card history of Josiah using Marquis' name. His last purchase was two guns, three burner phones, lighter fluid, and a machete." Jeremy said. "What the fuck is this nigga trying to do?" I said. "And that purchase was made two days before Morgan left." He said. I was interrupted by my phone ringing.
"Hello." I said answering the phone.
"DeShaun?" A soft voice said on the other end.
"Who this?" I asked.
"I-It's Morgan."
"Morgan. Do you know where you're at? Give me a loca-" She cut me off.
"Tomorrow. Tell Jayceon to meet me at Wynwood Diner 7:00 p.m." She said.
"Morgan what the fuck is going on?" I said.
"DeShaun just tell him to meet me. Bring Jaybee and Akira."
"Mo-" I was cut off by her hanging up. "What happened?" Jeremy asked. "I gotta go. Let yourself out."
I grabbed my keys getting in my car. I pulled out my phone calling Jayceon to see where he was at. It rung a few times before he answered.
"What?" He said answering.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"Minding my b-" I cut him off and hung up. I didn't have time for his bullshit. I made my way to Landon house.
~Morgan POV
"Good. If you fuck it up, I'll kill you, Jayceon, DeShaun, Landon, your sister, and your kids." He smirked before leaving. I had to think of someway to tell him where I was without getting caught. I can't take another day in here.
~Landon POV
"Iyanna yo ass better chill before you start some shit you can't finish." I said shaking my head. She been real touchy feely today. "Babbyyy." She groaned getting on top of me. "Iyaaaannaa." I said mocking her. She stopped when she heard the doorbell rung. "Saved by the bell." I said jokingly. I got up walking to the door. It was DeShaun. "Wassup." I said opening the door.