**Three Days Later**
~Jayceon POV
For the past three days I've been doing some heavy ass thinking. After my entanglement with Morgan, a lot was going on in my head. I called Landon and DeShaun over here to tell them about everything. My doorbell rung telling me they were here.
"Wassgood." I said seeing both of them. Landon had his daughter with him and DeShaun had DJ with him. "Is that a pool in your backyard?" DJ said noticing it through my screen door. "Yeah. Go knock ya self out." I told him. He ran back there. "What's on your mind?" Landon said once we got in the living room. "So a couple days ago, I may or may not have slept with Morgan." I said.
DeShaun and Landon looked at each other before laughing. "What the fuck I tell yo ass." Landon said shaking his head. "The fuck is so funny?" I scoffed. "When you and Morgan first broke up me and Landon knew for a fact y'all wasn't done with each other." DeShaun said. "Y'all get on my fucking nerves."
"So you break up with Kierra?" Landon asked. "Seeee here's the thing. She suspicious as fuck about Morgan but she still don't know what happened between us."
"And you not gone tell her?" DeShaun asked. "Don't judge me. You slept with your ex too." I said. "And I had the balls to tell Ashanti."
"How did she take it?" I asked. "Like any other person would if they got cheated on. We cool now though we just not together." He said. "So she didn't kill you?"
"Uhh she's not a certified hitman. Look dude just tell Kierra."
He said. "I'll tell her tonight. But there's another reason why I called y'all over here." I said walking upstairs to get something. I came back downstairs to show them. "Woah nigga. You sure bout this?" DeShaun asked."One hundred percent."
~Morgan POV
"I'll see y'all Monday." I said to the girls at the salon. It was Friday and I'm off for the weekend. Before I could go home I told Jayceon I'd pick up the kids from his sisters house. Once I got settled in the car my phone started ringing.
It popped up as No Caller ID so i just ignored it. It started ringing again, this time I answered it.
"Hello?" I said answering.
"Damn how many times was I gone have to call you?"
"Marquis?" I said raising a brow.
"Yes it's me."
"I wasn't expecting to ever hear from you again." I said.
"Yeah well I have access to a phone now. I was calling to apologize for the way I left." He said.
"MJ its okay. I know why you left and I can't argue with that. As long as you're safe then I'm fine." I simply said.
"How's everything going?" He asked.
"Uh it's fine. Just got off of work about to go pick up the kids. You gonna stop the small talk or tell me where you are?" I asked.
"Guess we stopping the small talk. I was just calling to let you know that I was good so you could tell everybody else. I'll try to call you again soon alright." He said.
"Yeah okay. I love you." I said.
"I love you too."
He hung up the phone.
**Later That Night**
~Jayceon POV
I was waiting outside of Kierra house so I could talk to her. She went back inside to get a drink. I didn't know how she would take this but there was no point in hiding something she probably already knew. "Here." She said handing me a drink. "Preciate it."
"So. What'd you need to talk to me about?" She asked sitting on the steps. "You were right." I said making her raise a brow. "About Morgan. The night I left our date to go be with her. The whole thing about her boyfriend putting her and Akira in danger was true. And she was upset that night. But she was also drunk. One kiss led to something else." I said.
She looked at me shaking her head with a small smile. "I knew it. You just couldn't resist sleeping with that bitch could you." She scoffed. "Watch yo mouth." I said. "Oh please go right on ahead and defend her."
"How could you fucking do this to me Jayceon. I thought you loved me." She said. "We were together. I never said I loved you." I said. "I thought you were the one Jayceon. The one dude in my life that wouldn't fuck me over or break my heart. But no, you couldn't keep your fucking dick in your pants could you." She sighed. "Kierra I'm sor-" She cut me off.
"Save your bullshit ass apologies and your bullshit ass excuses. You're just like the fucking rest of them." She said getting up. "Kierra wait." She walked in the house making sure to slam the door behind her. At least she didn't kill me.
~Morgan POV
Jaybee and Akira finally went to sleep. Them lil mutha fuckas will try to keep you up all night. I decided to chill with a glass of wine and catch up on my show. Before I could even open the bottle, my doorbell rang. "A bitch can't never get no peace in this mutha fucka." I mumbled to myself.
I got up to open the door seeing Jayceon. "Um, you sure you should be over here?" I asked raising a brow. "Why shouldn't I?" He asked raising a brow. "I dont know, because you have a girlfriend who threatened to kill me a few days ago." I said. "Well I don't have a girlfriend anymore." He said pushing past me and walking in. "What happened?"
"You happened. Are the kids sleep?" He asked. "Yeah."
"Morgan I love you." He said. "Yeah I know you tell me that all the time." I said. "No. I mean I love you. I never stopped loving you."
"Jayceon what are you talking about?" I asked raising a brow. "When we broke up, I said I didn't love you out of anger. Getting with Kierra was me trying to make you jealous. When you got with Kingston I was pissed seeing you with a nigga that wasn't me." He said. "I-I didn't know you felt this way." I said.
"For the past few days I been thinking about what it would've been like if we just stayed together. I have never loved someone as much as I love you Morgan and I can't see myself with any other female but you."
"Jayceon what are you trying to get at right now?" I asked raising a brow. He pulled a box out of his pocket and got on one knee.
"Will you marry me?"
Whheww two more chapters left😅.