~Morgan POV
It was the next morning and I couldn't stop thinking about Jayceon. The kiss we had last night felt amazing. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Come in." I said. "Oh my gosh bestie!" Ashanti said looking at me. "I am so sorry." She said hugging me. "It's okay." I said. "What happened?" She asked. "I just got a concussion. Could've been worse." I shrugged.
"When do you get discharged?" She asked. "Today. I already signed the papers I'm just waiting for Marquis."
"Tell him I'm bringing you. I want to take you to lunch. I just feel bad." She said. "Don't feel bad best friend." I said grabbing my phone.
Sent : Ashanti bringing me home.
Read : 12:46 p.m.From Blooda💉💕 : Ight. I'm finna go to the trap just in case I'm not home when you get back.
Delivered : 12:47 p.m.Sent : Okee Dokee.
Read : 12:48 p.m."Let me get changed and I'll be ready to go."
~Marquis POV
"So how we supposed to figure out where the Red Rose niggas at now?" DeShaun said smoking a blunt. "I don't even know man. But when I find them, they life is done for." I said clenching my jaw. "Jaycee you real quiet today. Wassup with you?" Landon said bringing all our attention to him. "Nothing. Just thinking." He said. "We gone let it die down for a minute. I'm pretty sure we'll find them. But for now, let's focus on some better." I said.
"Like Vegas. I'm ready to fuck somebody bruh." DeShaun said making Jayceon mug him. "This nigga stick his dick in anything." Landon said shaking his head. "Why you worried bout what I stick my dick in?" He said. "Shut up." Landon said rolling his eyes. "We still going right?" DeShaun asked. "Hell yeah. Jayceon need to loosen up and he definitely aint doing nothing here." I said laughing.
"Oh by the way Morgan going." I said. "Since when?" Jayceon said. "Since now. And thats if she still feels up to it." I shrugged. "Fuck." Jayceon said under his breath but loud enough for me to hear. "Problem nigga? Don't get slick. I'll murk you bout my lil one." I said looking him up and down. "Alright so I'm finna go. My girl calling a young nigga." Landon said said getting up. "We finna head out to." DeShaun said standing up. "What you mean we?" I asked. "Nigga you my ride." He said. "Mine too." Jayceon said.
"I ain't even bring you here though." I said looking at DeShaun. "Well Landon just left. I came here with him. So you my ride." He said. "Man c'mon."
~Morgan POV
"Would I be trippin'
If I DM your friends and fuck all your bitches?
Would it be ignant?
You say I'm trippin' but they the ones with it
I thought it was love
'Til you went out tellin' our business
Lyin' when you know you did it
Cryin' but don't see no tears
I guess we really all guilty
Fake friends all circle 'round me
You wanna show everybody 'round me how I bleed
Plead, the truth, will set you free"Me and Ashanti sung along to our favorite song. She turned the music down. "So you still going to Vegas? Even after what happened?" She asked. "Yeah. Plus I want to spend the weekend with Jayceon." I smiled making her choke. "The hell you wanna spend time with him for?" She asked. "Oh my gosh I forgot to tell you, we kissed." I said making her laugh. "What's so funny?" I mugged. "You, you're hilarious. You kissed him once and now you wanna spend the weekend with him?" She said making me nod.
"Okay one, you barely know him. Two, it was one kiss. Three, he's a thug. He probably got a thousand more hoes he done kissed last night."
"So you calling me a hoe?" I asked. "No. I'm calling you a dumb hoe." She said smiling making me roll my eyes. Ashanti was blunt as fuck. I loved that she kept it real but damn she's rude. She pulled into my house. "Don't do nothing stupid." She said. "Whatever." I grabbed my bag and walked up to the door. "Anybody home?" I asked but I got no response. "Guess I'm home alone." I heard the toilet flush and turned around seeing Jayceon. "Oh, hey." I smiled. He didn't say anything, he just pushed past me. "Am I invisible?" I asked following him. "Your brother told me to tell you he'll be back." He said sitting on the couch.
"Okay. I really enjoyed that kiss last night." I said sitting next to him. "Don't think nothing of that shit. I was vulnerable and you was there. That kiss ain't mean nothing and never will." He said scrolling through his phone. "I'm back!" MJ yelled walking in the house. I got up and walked upstairs before he could see me. I just embarrassed myself.
~Marquis POV
"MO YOU READY!" I yelled from downstairs. "YEAH I'M COMING!" She yelled back. I just finished bringing everything downstairs. Aaliyah just got here and our uber was outside. I grabbed our stuff and brought it out to the car. "How you doing son?" The man said when I sat down inside. "I'm straight how bout ya self." I said. "I'm good son thanks for asking." He was an old man so I said I'll be respectful. A few second later, Liyah and Mo came out. "We're going to the airport right?" He asked pulling off. "Yes sir."
My phone started blowing up with the group chat me, Shaun, Landon, and Jayceon had.
From Shaun⚔️ : Yall ready to fuck some bitches this weekend.
From Landon 🎸 :Yeah my girl😂
From Jayceon 🤙🏾 : I'm getting play this weekend. Sick of this shit.
Sent : Too early for y'all to have my phone bumping like this.
From Shaun⚔️ : Meanie pants.
I locked my phone back and took a nap in the car.
~Jayceon POV
Jayda dropped me, Shaun and Landon off at the airport. "Bye." She said pulling off. "I got some shit to tell y'all before MJ get here." I said after we made it past security. "Oou spill the tea sis." DeShaun said. "Nigga shut up." I said. "Say it." Landon said. "When Morgan was in the hospital I went to go check on her. I ended up kissing her." I said making both of they eyes widen. "Nigga are you dumb." DeShaun said. "I wasn't thinking and yesterday she started talking to me as if we was friends." I said shaking my head.
"Now you gotta spend four days with her."
All the tea and drama pops off during the Vegas trip so be patient with my yall😌 sorry for the wait