Hit You Where It Hurts

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~Jayceon POV

"She's not answering the fucking phone." I said pacing back and forth. "Can I trust you?" I asked Kierra. "Of course. What do you need?" She asked. "Stay here with Jaybee and Akira. I'll be back." She nodded. I grabbed my keys walking out to my car. I got in speeding off to Morgan house.

I pulled into Morgan's apartment complex. I got out the car banging on Morgan's door. "MO OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" I yelled. I rattled on the door knob and it was unlocked. "Morgan?" I said walking in. I looked around everywhere and no one was home. I pulled out my out my phone calling Ashanti.

"Hello?" She said answering.

"You talked to Morgan recently?"

"Earlier why?"

"She dropped Jaybee and Akira off on my fucking porch. You know where she could be?" I asked.

"She came by crying begging me to tell her where DeShaun is and she was acting really weird."

"Where's DeShaun?"

"He's at Mercy." She said.

"Wait for what?" I asked.

"He had an incident I can't really speak about. What's going on?" She asked.

"That's what I'm about to figure out."

~Landon POV

"What you mean get my hands dirty?" I said raising a brow. She slid me a paper. "There's an address on here. Go to the house and she'll know what to do." She said. "Hell nah. You not sending me to no random ass address." I scoffed.

"Landon please. I put this on my life there's nothing shady going on. Just go to the address. She'll tell you everything after that."

"What the fuck do you got going on?" I asked raising a brow. "I can't speak on that. Just do what I asked." She got up walking back with the guards. Before she left she turned around. "Don't tell Jayceon."

I walked back in my car. I was debating on whether I should follow through or just go home. I looked in my glove department seeing if my gun was still in there. It was. I started the ignition pulling off. The address was about thirty minutes away from where I was.


I pulled up to a house. I grabbed my gun cocking it back. I got out the car walking up to the door. I knocked pointing my gun towards it. If anybody was trying some sneaky shit I was gone blow they brains out. I heard the locks on the door unlocking. When she opened the door I was confused as shit.


~DeShaun POV

"Morgan what the fuck!" I yelled. I looked at the timer on the bomb.


"Who the fuck put that shit on you?" I asked sitting up out the bed. "J-Josiah's sister. She asked who killed her brother and I had to tell her. I'm so sorry." She said crying. The time was ticking away. I got out the bed sliding on the sweats and t-shirt I came in. "Did you see her set this up?" I asked Morgan. "No. I was unconscious until she brought me here. But she said if I let this go it'll blow." She said looking down at her hand. She was holding a deadman's switch. Any little flinch with that thing and this whole hospital is over.

"Where did his sister go?" I asked. "She said she was going to kill someone you love."

"ASHANTI!" I grabbed my phone calling her. It went to voicemail. "Fuck man." I said. I pulled out my phone calling Jayceon.

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