~Landon POV
"Oh feel free. But if you walk out that fucking door with that nigga, you better not bring yo ass back." I said to Iyanna. "Landon are you serious?" She scoffed. "Do it look like I'm fucking laughing?"
"It's okay Iyanna." Isaiah said grabbing her hand. "So this nigga really do want to die." I said talking to myself. He walked out. "I can't believe you're that heartless." She said walking past me. "Man you got me fucked all the way up. If the roles were fucking reversed you would be in my ass right now."
"BUT I WASN'T FUCKING CHEATING! I WAS HELPING SOMEONE!" She yelled. "YOU WAS HELPING THE SAME FUCKING NIGGA THAT YOU HAD A WHOLE SECRET REALTIONSHIP WITH!" I said shaking my head. "Oouu you so lucky I love yo ass." I said laughing a little. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"Because if I didn't I would've been rocked yo shit. I'm going to take my shower. Clean yo boyfriend blood off my floor." I said walking upstairs.
~DeShaun POV
I was on the couch scrolling through the TV channels. My phone started ringing, it was Morgan. I didn't feel like being bothered right now so I ignored it. A few seconds later she called back.
"What?" I said answering the phone.
"Are you busy?" She said.
"Can I come over?" She asked.
"For what?"
"I need someone to talk to. Nobody wants to listen to me."
"Morgan I ain't really looking for no company right now. Cant you talk to Ashanti or something."
"She doesn't want to talk. Jayceon doesn't want to talk. Please, I won't be long."
"You don't even have a car. How you gone get over here?" I asked.
"I'll walk. Jayceon just moved pretty close to you."
"Fine." I sighed. I hung up the phone.
About five minutes later I heard my doorbell ring. I got up slowly making my way to open the door. "That was quick." I said seeing Morgan. I walked back to the couch and she sat on the couch across from me. "What you need to talk to me about?" I asked.
"You're probably going to say no, but I need a place to stay."
"The fuck that got to do with me?" I asked. "I was hoping I could stay here. Just until I get back on my feet." She said. "You serious?" I said. "Yes. I can't stay with Jayceon because he clearly doesn't want me there."
"Okay but he giving you a place to stay so why come interrupt my peace?" I scoffed. "I figured you'd say no." She said pouting a little. The fuck is she, 5 years old. "What if i was willing to do something for it?" She said getting on her knees. "Morgan chill man." I said moving her off me. "You need to go." We were interrupted by a knock on my door. I started to get up but Morgan stopped me. "I got it."
~Morgan POV
I opened the door seeing Ashanti. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She said looking at me. "Oh I was just here helping DeShaun considering his circumstances." I lied so she wouldn't know why I was really here.
~Ashanti POV
I pushed past her walking inside to see DeShaun. "So when I try to help you out with everything you push me away. But when the little homeless girl tries to help, you're all for it." I said standing in front of him. "Shanti what the fuck are you talking about?" He sighed. "Morgan just told me she was here to help you which is the exact thing I tried to do."