~Jayceon POV
"Mo what's wrong?" I said as I started the car. She was zoned out. "Mo." I said touching her leg and she jumped. "What happened?" I asked turning the car off. "Jayceon please can we just get out of here." She said wiping tears from my eyes. I took a deep sigh and started the car back pulling off.
She broke the silence in the car after a while. "Can I sleep at your place tonight. You know you should just let me move in. I mean we are-" I cut her off. She was talking a mile a minute and barely took a breath. "Morgan baby chill. We already talked about moving you into my house next week."
"I-I know. Can we just move my stuff in tomorrow."
"Ight Mo." I swung by moms house to pick up Jaybee and went back to my house. Morgan got clothes and stuff over my house already so there was no reason to swing by hers. "I'm gonna go shower." She said walking upstairs. Jaybee was knocked out in my arms so I laid him down on the couch. I seen the custody papers sitting on the table. I pulled out my phone calling Naomi but it sent me to voicemail.
"Naomi look. I haven't seen you in months and you try to serve me with fucking custody papers. You can't do this to me, to our son. You know you could never be a real mother to him. Stop trynna put on this fake ass act." I hung up the phone leaning back on the couch. "So that's what was up with you today. You got served." Morgan said walking in the room.
"Thought you was going to take a shower." I sighed. "I am. I came to get my phone. When were you going to tell me?" She said sitting next to me. "I wasn't. This is my life, my problems. I don't need you trying to help me."
"That's the thing Jayceon. You're problems are my problems now. We're in this together, you have to share these things with me."
"Well if that's the case, tell me what happened earlier. You the one that planned that whole thing and then your whole demeanor changed and you was ready to bounce."
"I'm going to shower."
~Josiah POV
"Why would you pop back up. They thought you were dead." Narco said after nagging at me for the past 20 minutes. "SHUT UP BRO!" I yelled. "Only person that knows I'm alive is y'all and Morgan. I killed Jayceon's dad for real this time. He was the only threat."
"You think he was the only threat. What about Morgan?" Maria asked. "Trust me. She won't say a word. I'm gonna continue to be dead while I get Jayceon out the game."
~DeShaun POV
"If you don't get the fuck off my porch DeShaun I will fire yo ass up." Jordan yelled. "You not gone shoot me." I laughed. "Try me bitch." She said opening the door with her gun pointing at me. "Okay chill." I said with my hands surrendered. She started to close the door but I put my foot in the way. "Jordan can you just listen to me."
She rolled her eyes stepping outside. "You got 30 seconds." She said sitting on her doorstep waiting for me to talk. "I'm sorry for earlier tonight."
"15 seconds." She scoffed. "If I would've known you wanted me like that I wouldn't have even kissed her."
"How could you not know. I made it clear as day." She said shaking her head. "How?"
"You thought me coming over here and spending the night was for my health. Or asking to go out with you all the time. You thought it was to be friends?"
"I mean yeah." I shrugged. "Why are dudes so fucking clueless." She sighed. "Excuse me for not being a psychic ass mind reader." I said making her smile a little. "See there go that smile I love to see. Come on now forgive me." I said wrapping my arms around her. "I'll think about it. Now get yo ass off my porch." She said pushing me off. "Damn its like that?"