Better Now

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~Ashanti POV

"Did DeShaun hint anything to you of where he'd be?" I asked the therapist. "I just told you. I don't know."

"What did you all talk about that could've made him this upset?" I scoffed.

"I can't say."

"HE COULD BE DEAD SOMEWHERE!" I yelled. "I promise you he's fine. He'll call."

*Next Morning*

~DeShaun POV

"Get up." I felt my body being shook. "It's almost six. Get up." I got up seeing DJ. "Oh shit what time is it?" I asked. "5:55. Come on." He said. I slept on a blow up mattress because I didn't feel like going to a hotel. I got up slipping on my slides that were by the door. "Let's go kid." I said to him. He walked out before me. "Woah. Is this your car?" He said. "Yep." I said getting in.

"What school you go to?"

"Dan Mills." He said. I went there too. The school wasn't that far from here. I pulled off making my way there.


"See you later dad." He said getting out the car. Wow, he just called me dad. That brought a little smile to my face.

~Jayceon POV

"Mr. Miller?" The doctor said getting my attention. "Is she okay?" I asked. "For now. She was beaten up pretty bad with some broken bones." He said. "Can I see her?" I asked. "You sure can. But take it easy, don't try to make anything to stressful." He said making me nod. I walked into the room seeing her. She had bruises and stitches over her face.

"Miya." I said grabbing her hand. Her eyes were closed. She groaned with her eyes opening a little bit. "Tonio. Tonio." She said. I could barely hear her. "What did you say?" I asked. "Tonio d-" She was cut off by coughing. All of a sudden she started coughing up blood and her heart monitor started going crazy.

"DOCTOR!" I yelled out the door. They rushed inside. "Sir I need you to leave the room." He said to me. I left looking through the window.

~DeShaun POV

I was walking around downtown Nashville visiting old places I used to love as a kid. Kendall decided to come with me. "Oouu the backstory behind this place." She said pointing at the entrance to the state park. "I remember that shit like it was yesterday. We snuck out on our first date here." I said laughing a little. "And yo ole freaky ass was trynna get in my draws." She said shaking her head.

"I didn't see the problem." I shrugged. "We were thirteen Shaun."

We entered the park and started walking around. "So tell me about this girlfriend of yours." She said. "Whew. You want the good or the bad." I said making her laugh a little bit. "She's great. But I can't stand being around her most of the time." I scoffed. "Why?"

"She picks an argument about every little fucking thing. And her best friend just makes shit ten times worse." I said shaking my head. "Have you talked to her about it?"

"Nope. It'll be like talking to a brick wall."

"The DeShaun I knew wouldn't give a fuck and would put his foot down." She said. "Well that was when I was in a relationship that I wanted." I mumbled but she heard me. "Oh wow." She said. "It's not like that. It's just when I was with you I didn't have to worry about shit like that. You knew my situation and you knew how to make me happy. She knows that I'm going through shit and proceeds to make it worse."

"Well I hope y'all work it out." She said. "DeShaun?" I heard a female voice say. I turned around feeling my heart drop. "DeShaun it's me." The lady said. "Nah you must got me mistaken for somebody else." I said. "Kendall let's go." I said grabbing her arm. The lady stopped me. "DeShaun it's me. Your foster mom."

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