~Jayceon POV
I woke up on the couch hearing banging on my door. I grabbed my crutches and opened it. Nobody was there but it was a envelope sitting on my doorstep. I picked it up and walked back inside. I put the envelope on my counter and sat down so I could open it.
Once I opened it, there was a piece of paper inside. The paper was a map with the location of my trap marked. I was confused on what was happening until I turned the map over. 'Go there' It read. I was getting a call on my phone from one of my security guards.
"Wassup?" I answered.
"Umm boss I think you might wanna get down here. Like now." He said.
"I'm on the way."
I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys.
Once I pulled up to the trap, I moved my fastest to get inside. I seen my two guards sitting behind my desk. "You might wanna see this." He said turning my computer around. It was Morgan. She had a black eye and a busted lip. She was tied up crying. It was some man in a mask talking some bullshit. I wasn't paying attention to him, I was looking at Mo. I could see the pain in her eyes and how much she needed somebody to find her.
I tuned back into the video hearing what the person was saying. They said I had 48 hours to find Morgan or she would die. "Boss what are we going to do?" One of the guards asked. "Call DeShaun and Josiah. Call everybody that work in this bitch. Track the IP address off of this video. I need every fucking truck working and ready to roll when I find this location." The security guards ran out to go do what I said.
10 minutes later, everybody was here. The tech dude that I hired a few months back was on his way here to find this IP address. "Jayceon go home we got this." Josiah said for the third time. "If you tell me that shit one more time I'll send a bullet through ya fucking brains bitch. I'm not going nowhere."
"Well it ai-" DeShaun cut him off before he said anything stupid. "Nigga just stop talking."
It was a knock on the door telling me that the tech dude was here. "Hey there." He said walking in. The dude was lanky as hell and had zero street smarts. That's why he's the tech guy. "So what's my job?" He asked sitting down. "Find the IP address off of this video." I said pressing play on the video.
He started moving his fingers around fast doing whatever he was doing. "Its on a street right outside of Model City." He said. "Preciate it." I said handing him some cash for the job. "Thank you sir. Is that all you need?" He asked. "For now."
He walked out leaving me, DeShaun, and Josiah in the room.
~DeShaun POV
"So how we going bout this?" I asked looking at Jayceon. "Whatever way it takes. I'm getting my girl." He said. His eyes were black and you could tell what state of mind he was in. "Lets go." He said walking out. I followed him outside to the loading dock where the rest of our crew was loading up the trucks.
"AYO!" I yelled getting everybody attention. "Our location is a building outside of Model City. Now you know that hood full of enemies. Whoever you see thats not us, drop em. If you see Morgan, grab her and find one of us." I said pointing between me and Jayceon. "LETS ROLL!" I yelled.
Me, Jayceon and Josiah got in the truck together and made our way to the spot. The drive was like an hour but with me driving, it would be like 30 minutes. We had a trail of our people going down the street. "Jaycee maybe you should let me and Shaun handle it first and then you come in." Josiah said. "Man for one dont call me Shaun, its DeShaun. And two, thats his fucking girl, let him handle this shit and just shut the fuck up."
I was deadass so sick of this nigga. He swear we all gang gang but I'm gone figure out what's off with this dude.
We stopped a few feet away from the actual building just to stay discrete. We hopped out the car and went to the trunk to grab our guns. The other trucks shortly pulled up so we could start. "DJ, you and yo folks take the building back there. Jamal, you and Quez take downstairs. Marlo and yo crew take the middle floor. Me, Jaycee and Josiah gone take the top two floors." I said. Everybody nodded taking the orders I gave them and going with it.
I threw my machine gun across my back and a rifle in my hands. "Y'all ready?" I asked looking between Josiah and Jayceon, they both nodded. We walked up to the front door seeing security guards smoking. I put the silencer on my gun and shot both of them killing them instantly. We walked inside and there was a group of niggas sitting down. Unfortunately, we made eye contact. "AYE WHAT THE F-" Jayceon cut him off by sending a bullet through his head.
"IS MORGAN HERE!" He yelled looking at the other niggas who had speechless looks on their faces. "Where the fuck is Morgan!" Josiah yelled. "U-Upstairs." After hearing that, all three of us sent bullets to each and every one of them niggas head. "Josiah, you clear out the rest of this area and we gone go upstairs and get Morgan." I said. He nodded and finished the rest of the job. Me and Jayceon went upstairs and looked for Morgan. We bust through all the doors just killing off people but no luck with Morgan.
"Wait, you hear that?" Jayceon said making us both stop. You could hear muffled screaming and a mans voice. We snuck towards the door trying to be as quiet as possible. I kicked the door down revealing a big ass man hovered on top of Morgan. She had fear in her eyes and a black eye.
"What you doing here!" He said looking with fear in his eyes. Jayceon ignored him and ran towards Morgan. The dude reached for his gun but he was too slow. "Who you work for?" I asked stepping closer to the man. "I-I dont know what you're talking about."
"Mane stop playing with me before I buss a cap in yo ass. Who the fuck do you work for. Give me a name or you done for." I said cocking back the gun. "J-" Before he could finish, gunshots went off. We all turned around seeing Josiah holding the gun. "What the fuck you do that for! I was bout to get a name!" I scoffed. "He was talking too much. I leave no witnesses."
I shook my head as I helped Jayceon with Morgan. They were talking to each other but then my mind starting wandering. Josiah just said "leave no witnesses."
I hit a flashback to when I got kidnapped. There was somebody there who said the same thing. He killed the person that worked for him. The vision became clearer, it was Josiah. Now I know why I don't trust this snake ass nigga.
And I'm about to bring his ass down.
Not that long of chapter🙂 But shits about to get food with Shaun and Josiah.