~DeShaun POV
"Stop playing with that man like that." A girl said laughing walking in the room. I got a closer look seeing the girl from the bar. "What the fuck is going on?" I said. "You don't remember?" She smirked.
"Can we go back to my place and do this?" She whispered in my ear. We were currently in her car and I was just ready to fuck. "What's wrong with right here?" I asked. "I'm not a sex in the car type of female." She said making me roll my eyes. "Alright Tammy." I said only to get hit in the back of the head. "My name is Tonya asshole." She scoffed. "Let's go then." I adjusted in the passenger seat as she did in the drivers seat. She then pulled off making her way to her house.
We pulled into the driveway of her house. I got out as she did the same. She unlocked the door revealing her home. "This shit nice." I said being nice. "Yeah but my play room is in the basement." She smiled. "What type of Fifty Shades shit you got going on?" I asked making her do the most fakest laugh ever. "Nothing. Just come down here." She said opening the door. "Why we cant fuck on the couch?" I asked making a mug come across her face. "Who said we were gonna fuck?" She asked. "I mean you invited a young nigga to yo play room. What else was we finna do?" I asked. "Asshole." She scoffed.
"Man imma just call somebody to come get me." I said pulling out my phone. "I don't think you want to do that." She said. "Yo you weird. Im out." I said turning around only to see some big ass nigga standing there. "What the fuck." I said only to be knocked out.
**Flashback Over**
"Man stop being a bitch. If you gone kill me then kill me." I said. "I don't want to kill you. Well, I do. But i'm not. I'm gone bring Jayceon to me so I can kill him." He smiled. "You ain't gone do shit." I scoffed. "I'm not? Do you mind telling me where Marquis is then?" He asked sarcastically. "That was you?" I asked. "Grab the bat." He said to the girl. She did as told and then walked over to me. She knelt down to untie me and began whispering in my ear. "I'm so sorry."
I stood up once I was untied standing face to face with the man. "Goodbye Tonya." He said. She walked out the room. "You gone beat my ass or something?" I asked. He attempted to punch me but I dodged it just in time. I sent a blow to his stomach followed by an uppercut.
"Son of a bitch." He said wiping the blood from his mouth. "Cmon bitch." I said feeling my adrenaline rushing. I dodged another shot hitting him in the nose this time. He picked up the bat hitting me on my side. "Fuck!" I yelled falling to the ground. "Yea bitch." He said hitting my leg. He picked me up by my shirt sending blow after to blow to my face.
After a while, I lost consciousness.
**Next Day**
~Landon POV
"So when is your appointment?" Iyana asked laying her head on my chest. "Same time as yours. I'm gone get the cure for this shit then go bout my life." I said. I heard the doorbell ring. Iyana lifted her head up so I could get the door. I opened the door but nobody was there. I looked down seeing an envelope with a red rose stamp on it. "Shit." I said under my breath. I walked back in the house putting the envelope on the counter. "What's that?" Iyana said coming down the steps.
"I don't know." I sighed. I opened the envelope seeing another envelope. "What kind of fucking joke is this." I said under my breath. I turned the envelope over to open it but there was a note.
"Roses are red. Violets are blue. I beat his ass, can't wait to beat yours too. Tell Jayceon i'm coming for his ass." I opened the envelope seeing a picture of DeShaun. His face was smashed and bloody but I could still tell it was him. His leg looked broken. "Oh my gosh is that DeShaun!" Iyana said holding her hand over her mouth. I grabbed my keys walking to my car.
"Landon baby what's going on?" She said with tears forming.
"Nothing. I'll be back."
~Jayceon POV
"So are you gonna try to find your baby mama?" Morgan asked me. "For what. She left an innocent ass baby on my doorstep. A baby I didn't even know existed. As far as I'm concerned, fuck her." I said. "Well I'm willing to help you when you need it. I love kids." She smiled playing with Jaybee. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it seeing Landon. "They got DeShaun, we gotta go." He said. "What you mean?"
He pulled out a picture of DeShaun all beaten up. "Morgan remember when you said you're willing to help when I need it. Well I need it. Watch Jaybee for me." I grabbed my gun out my drawer and ran out to the car with Landon. "Look." He said giving me an envelope. It was a letter talking about killing me. "How the fuck we supposed to find him?" Landon said. "Josiah. He good with tech, tell him to meet us at the trap." I said.
We pulled up to the trap and Josiah was already there. "What you got so far?" I said sitting in the chair looking at the computer. "The location says he's in some abandoned warehouse on Collins Avenue."
"Lets go then." Landon said. We went into the safe room where all our weapons, drugs, and money was stashed. It was behind a shelf for safety purposes. I grabbed my gun and loaded it up grabbing extra bullets. We all did the same thing and made our way to the warehouse.
"How the fuck did we not notice this shit." I said shaking my head. "Cause its DeShaun. The nigga just be gone." Josiah said laughing. "Akekeke my ass nigga this aint no fucking game." Landon scoffed.
We pulled up to the warehouse seeing nobody outside. "Split up." I said getting out the car.
~Josiah POV
I went through the side door. The building was completely dark with flickering lights through the halls. "Smell like ass in here." I said to myself. I turned the corner seeing a door cracked open. I peeked through the door seeing a man standing over a body. I opened the door cocking my gun back. He turned around with a wide grin on his face. "Took you forever my man." He said walking towards me. "Time is money my nigga." I said dapping him up. "Check this out, Its more people with me so just give me the money now." I said holding my hand out.
Me and him made a deal that if I would lead him to Landon or DeShaun he would pay me a couple thousand. That night at the bar, I paid the girl five grand to play her role. "Here." He said handing me the bag. "Nice doing business with you." I smiled before sending a bullet through his head.
Leave no witnesses.