2.4, abomination

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season 2, chapter 4 : abomination

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"No, I'm paralysed from the neck down in eight feet of water

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"No, I'm paralysed from the neck down in eight feet of water."

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I pull up outside the car repair place to see that it's surrounded with police cars. Stiles spots me and walks over, jumping into the car.

"What happened?" I question. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry. There's this creature but he's not like Scott." Stiles begins. "His eyes are like a reptiles eyes."

"Go on.." I say, knowing that Stiles still has more to tell me.

"It's like it knew me but I just don't know who it is." Stiles sighs, leaning back in his seat.

I wake up then take a shower before changing into jeans, a white top and a jacket.

I wake up then take a shower before changing into jeans, a white top and a jacket

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I head to school where Scott grabs my wrist and pulls me over to him and Stiles.

"Deaton thinks that the Argents keep a record of everything they've hunted." Scott tells us.

"The bestiary?" I question.

"That's the one!" Stiles exclaims with a grin.

Scott ignores his best friends comment and turns to me. "If we get that book then it can tell us what that thing is."

"And who." Stiles quickly adds.

The school day has now finally ended and now it's time for the lacrosse game. However, we have a plan to get Gerard's keys while the game is on. Scott takes his position in the field as Allison takes a seat beside her grandfather. I stand underneath the bleachers while Stiles is sitting on the bench like most games.

"I knew I should've brought a warmer jacket." I hear Allison say, indicating that the plan has only just begun.

"Here, take my coat." Gerard replies.

I watch the shadows of the two stand up then sit down again. I hear footsteps then the sound of keys hitting something but someone grabs my wrist. Stiles. He shows me the keys with a grin then we head inside, beginning to make our way to the office when Erica appears and drags us to the pool where Derek is.

The two werewolves demand Stiles to describe what the creature looks like but as he's doing so, I notice the two look above us. I follow their gaze to see the creature looking down at us, a low hiss escaping its mouth before it jumps down and knocks Erica out with its tail.

"Run!" Derek yells, not taking his eyes off of the creature.

Stiles' hand slips into mine and he's about to pull me along as we run but we both pause as we watch the reptile hit Derek in the back of the neck.

"Derek, your neck.." Stiles quietly says.

Derek stands still, frozen in his place. His hand reaches up to touch the back of his neck before beginning to sway slightly. Stiles and I let go of each other's hands and rush forwards, grabbing the alpha and dragging him with us in order to get away from the creature.

"Stiles, call Scott." I quickly say.

Stiles fumbles around in his pocket, taking his phone out but dropping onto the floor at the sound of the creature hissing loudly. He bends down to pick it up, all of Dereks weight being applied onto me which then causes the two of us to fall into the pool since I wasn't expecting all of his weight. Stiles dives in shortly after we do, grabbing Derek and holding him afloat as he makes sure that I'm above the water as well.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asks.

"No, I'm paralysed from the neck down in eight feet of water." Derek snaps, shooting a glare at the teenage boy helping hold him above the water.

"I was talking to Y/n." Stiles replies.

The creature looks at us, tilting his head as he dips his claws into the pool before quickly them back to his body with a hiss. Instead, he begins to crawl around the edge pool as he continues to stare at us.

"He can't swim." I mumble.

"I'm going to call Scott." Stiles tells us.

"Don't you dare let go of me." Derek snaps.

Stiles looks at me. "Y/n, I believe in you."

"Stiles!" I exclaim, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

Stiles lets go of Derek, causing all of the adults weight to be dumped onto me again. Oh, he believes I can hold Derek above the surface. I watch him swim over to the phone, grabbing it before swimming away from the surface so the creature can't get him. My arms grow weak, causing Derek and I to almost slip underwater but Stiles quickly helps me again.

"Is Scott coming?" I ask, desperate for help.

"I don't know, he hung up." Stiles replies.

We stay in the pool for ages before Stiles and I finally decide to swim over to something that we can hold onto. As soon as we do, hands grab my clothing and pull me out of the pool. I cough up some water and turn to see Derek sprawled out on the floor and Stiles propped up against the wall. His eyes meet mine and I slowly crawl over to him, propping myself up against the wall as well. I take deep breaths then look in front of us to see Scott in his wolf form, protecting us from the creature. Scott picks up a shard of a mirror and holds it out in front of him, the creature looking into it before scurrying away.

"It's called a kanima." Derek informs, Erica hovering behind him.

"You knew the whole time?" Stiles asks with annoyance.

Derek shakes his head. ""No, not until it was confused by its own reflection."

"It doesn't know what it is." Scott mumbles.

"Or who." I add on, remembering that there's still someone in there.

"It's like us?" Scott asks, looking over at Derek.

"A shapeshifter, yes." Derek begins. "But it's a-"

"An abomination." Stiles finishes, interrupting Derek.

I pause before looking up at the alpha and his blonde beta. "We need to work together in this."

"Maybe we can tell the Argents as well." Scott suggests.

"You trust them?!" Derek exclaims, staring at Scott with wide eyes.

"Nobody trusts anyone and that's the problem!" Scott fires back.

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