5.4, condition terminal

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season 5, chapter 4 : condition terminal

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"There is a line that we have to draw

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"There is a line that we have to draw."
"Dad, you've already crossed it. More than once."

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I run into the station, the sigh of blood and people scattered. Stiles and Scott run to help Stilinski when I notice a larger trail of blood. I follow it, standing there in shock at the sight. Lydia is laying helpless on the floor, Kira pressing down on the strawberry blondes wound. I drop down the floor beside the girls, trying to help Kira. Theo comes to our side, taking his belt off and wrapping it around Lydia's torso.

"Lydia, stay with us." I beg. "I can't lose you too."

Mrs Martin appears, coming to our side. I stand up, running into Stiles' arms and letting the tears flow. I can't lose another friend.

"Stiles, Y/n." Scott calls.

I move my head slightly to see Scott standing at a door. The two of us look down at Lydia, hesitating whether to leave.

"Y/n, I'm fine". Lydia tells me. "Help Tracy."

"I-I can't leave you." I stammer.

"Y/n, we'll take care of her." Theo reassures.

"Go." Lydia demands.

Stiles grabs my hand and pulls me over to Scott, following him down the hallway and over to a tear stained Malia with Tracy on the ground beside her.

"What the hell happened to her?" The Sheriff questions.

"There were these people, they were wearing masks." Malia tells us. "There were.. There were three of them. I think there were three."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Th-They were strong and had a weapon, Y/n." Malia stutters. "I didn't do this."

Deaton inspects Tracys claws. "She's not changing back. We're going to need to get her out of here."

"Absolutely not." Stilinski protests. "This is a crime scene, we call the coroner."

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail." Deaton replies.

"I don't care." Stilinski exclaims.

"You should." Deaton calmly replies. "Unless you're prepared to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills."

"Maybe at the clinic we can figure out how to change her back then call the coroner?" Scott suggests.

"There's a line." Stilinski begins, pacing around. "There is a line that we have to draw."

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