2.11, battlefield

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season 2, chapter 11 : battlefield

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"Unless you'd rather play with yourself

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"Unless you'd rather play with yourself."

"I already did that today. Twice."

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I sit on the player bench at school, looking out at the lacrosse field. Either side of me are Scott and Stiles, Coach not really caring if I'm sitting with them because I've done this many times. Melissa and the Sheriff are seated together within the bleachers, watching the lacrosse game. Scott told the both of us about what happened. How Gerard is the new master for the kanima. How Erica and Boyd left Dereks pack.

"I want to help, you know?" Stiles says, looking up at Scott. "But I can't do the things that you can do."

"Stiles." I begin. "Human or not, you'll always be able to help. I feel the same way, but knowing my friends are by my side keeps me going."

"Thank you." Stiles replies with a smile, turning back to Scott. "On a real though, we're losing."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Coach exclaims from behind us. "Now put on your helmet and get out there." You're on for Greenberg."

"What?" Stiles questions with wide eyes, looking around the pitch. "What happened to Greenberg?"

"He sucks." Coach replies. "You suck.. slightly less."

I hold back a laugh at Coach's comment, managing to compose myself before turning to face Stiles again.

"I-I'm playing?" Stiles questions again in astonishment. "On the field? With the team?"

Coach sighs. "Yes. Unless you'd rather play with yourself."

"I already did that today." Stiles replies. "Twice."

I look at him with wide eyes, not believing he just said that. "Stiles, we didn't need to know that!"

"Just get the hell out there!" Coach yells.

Stiles stands up and grabs his stuff before running out onto the field. Scott and I just watch him with smiles on our faces, proud of him.

I notice Scott shift around uncomfortably, glancing over Gerard's way but he doesn't say anything about it, just continuing to watch the game so I decide not to question it. All of a sudden, Isaac takes a seat beside Scott with his lacrosse kit on.

"You came to help." Scott says, looking over at Isaac with slight disbelief.

"I came to win." Isaac replies.

"Have one of you got a plan?" I ask.

"Just keep Jackson from killing anyone." Scott tells us, sighing.

Isaac went on the field and was injuring players enough to get them off the field but without sending them to hospital, all so that Scott can play and protect everyone. However, Jackson collides with Isaac harshly which causes him to fall onto his back. Scott runs over to him and Isaac doesn't move, only talking to him as he's put on a stretcher before being carried away. Coach shoves a helmet and a lacrosse into Scott's chess before pushing him out onto the field. I feel an arm on my shoulder then I turn around to see Melissa there.

"Somethings happening, isn't it?" Melissa asks. "Something more than a lacrosse game."

"Unfortunately." I reply.

Melissa goes to run out into the field to ask her son but I gently grab her arm, her attention turning to me.

"Let him sort this out, he doesn't want you going onto the field and getting hurt." I tell her.

"He's trying to help, isn't he?" Melissa asks. "Please tell me he's trying to help."

"Don't worry, he is." I reassure her.

Melissa nods then returns her seat on the bleachers again. I turn around to face the game again, noticing Stiles has the ball and is running for the goal. He shoots it then turns around, his eyes meeting mine as a wide smile appears on his face. Scott runs over to him and lifts two hands up, Stiles high-fiving his hands.

The field lights shut off one by one, causing the crowds cheer to die down. Lydia's screams are heard on the field so I run over to the lacrosse players to see Jackson laying unconscious on the grass, blood covering his fingertips.

"We need a medic!" Coach yells.

"He's not breathing and I can't find a pulse." Melissa tells us.

"He did this to himself?" Isaac asks, mumbling to Scott and I.

Melissa begins to perform CPR on Jackson, Lydia helping her with distress. I peel my eyes away from the unconscious blonde boy and scan the pitch, looking for Stiles since this is something he'd be here for straightaway. My eyes fall on Mr Stilinski to see him also panicking, looking around the field frantically. Tears begin to prickle in my eyes.

"Where the hell is son?" The Sheriff asks loudly.

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