6.3, sundowning

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season 6, chapter 3 : sundowning

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"Young lady, you need to clip those nails

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"Young lady, you need to clip those nails."

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"Stile, an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence." Scott reads off of the laptop.

"Yeah, somehow I don't think these are what we're looking for." I reply. "Maybe Malia's found something?"

"No, shes been taking a makeup test all morning." Lydia reminds me.

All of a sudden, a loud howl echoes throughout the air which causes the three of us to sigh, knowing it's Malia.

"I guess the test isn't going well." Lydia comments.

We run out of the library and around the school until we find a coyote in the room she first began getting chained up in. Malia growls at the sight of us.

"Malia, it's okay." Scott reassures. "You're safe."

Malia snarls, Mrs Martin and the Sheriff making their way over to us.

"We're not going to hurt you." Scott continues, Malia growling again.

"Maybe you should growl back?" Stilinski suggests.

Malia's growls become louder and sharper.

"Scott, you're the alpha." Stilinski reminds him. "Can't you just make her a little more docile?"

"She's not the problem, we are." Lydia speaks up. "This is her territory, maybe we need to get out of here."

Malia growls again, Scott pushing us away slightly so that we're at a distance from the coyote.

"Malia came here to get through the full moons." I begin. "Then we started using the lake house."

Mrs Martin furrows her brows. "Lydia, I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house?"

"Just he happy about all the things I don't tell you." Lydia whisper yells.

A growl is heard again and we turn to see the coyote walk out from its corner, slowly turning back into human form. Mrs Martin quickly rushes forwards and hands the girl her clothes which Malia quickly pulls on.

"Any idea what made her shift?" Stilinski asks.

"She's under a lot of pressure." Scott replies. "School, her life after graduation."

"Her mom trying to kill her." Lydia adds.

"That shouldn't make her shift." I say. "Could it be connected to Stiles?"

"Hard to tell since were don't know what a 'Stiles' is." Lydia replies.

"It's a he." Stilinski tells us. "Stiles is a family nickname. I never used it but my father did."

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