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The whole cafe shop is filled with customers... The waiters were so busy in serving their customers.. Xiao zhan looked at the entrance of the cafe shop.. 'Zhan.. I don't think it as a good idea.. Please don't do this..' Huai sang his best friend said but zhan didn't hear any of his words he is busy in looking at the entrance..

'Just leave him Nie ah.. Its a dare he has to do it..' Mian mian said and she encouraged xiao zhan.. Huai sang looked at his friend.. 'Mian mian.. You know zhan didnt kiss any one before.. It will be his first kiss.. I don't feel good now..' Mian mian laughed at him..

'Chill Nie..' Huai sang shook his head and looked at the entrance.. They three startled a little when they heard the bell sound.. Xiao zhan is so nervous but he has to do it.. They saw a handsome man entering into the cafe shop.. Mian mian and huai sang were shocked to see him.. Before they say zhan gets up from his seat and walked towards the handsone man.. 

'Aishh.. We have to stop him..' Mian mian and huai sang rushed towards his friends.. Xiao zhan stood before the man like blocking his way.. 'He looks so handsome..' Zhan thought.. He shook off his head and looked at the man..

'I'm sorry sir..' The stranger was about to ask but he was stopped when a pair of soft lips smashed on his lips.. His eyes widened and he looked at the young boy who is kissing him... Everyone in the cafe shop were so shocked to see their kissing.. Some of them recording it as a video.. Many of them captured the scenes..

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