Chapter 6 - Dream

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No one's pov

Both Jin and Jiang family are busy in inviting the guests.. Madam Yu with yanli in the room.. A Cheng is busy in the preparation.. But both yanli and a Cheng want to see his little brother.. They both didn't contact him after he moved from the mansion..

Meng yao with su she is in the hall where the other clan were also waiting for the couple.. 'Sir.. I thought you won't attend this wedding..' Su she said.. Meng yao smirked at him..

'Why shouldn't I.. After a long time I'm going to see him again.. Why should I miss this opportunity..' Meng yao said.. The whole hall became silent when wen chao entered.. Jiang and jin invited him.. Fei Fei looked around the hall to see of yibo was there. But he didn't came..

'A Cheng.. Why A xian is not here.. Call him..' Yanli is slightly worried..

'Just now I called xichen gege.. They will be here soon.. Don't worry..' A Cheng comforts her..

Yibo fixed his suit and looked at him self on the mirror.. 'Ready Yibo..' Hui Kuan asked.. 'I will call zhan... I think he is ready..' The elder nodded his head while yibo went to zhan's room...

Zhan looked at the mirror..  In the past days he dream about himself but he cant remember it clearly.. And it hurts a lot..  'I have to find it on my own..' Zhan said to himself..

Before Yibo knock zhan opened the door.. Yibo is stunned by looking at zhan.. And the younger tried his best not to stare at him..

'Woahh.. Yibo you look so handsome..' Zhan said but yibo didn't reply .. He can't take his eyes away from his beautiful lover.. Zhan snapped his finger before him.. The elder blinked his eyes and looked at zhan..

He fix zhan's suit.. Its too perfect for him.. 'You look so beautiful..' Yibo holds his hand with him.. They both get into the car where Hui Kuan waited for them..

It took fourty minutes to reach the venue.. The whole media focuses on Yibo and his brother.. Zhan feels little bit uncomfortable because of the attention.. Yibo didn't leave the younger's hand.. When they three entered into the hall everyone's eyes were on Yibo and Zhan...

 When they three entered into the hall everyone's eyes were on Yibo and Zhan

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