Epilogue - Yours

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No one's pov

2 years later

After the death of Meng Yao everyone in the clan know about his true face.. Fei Fei was prisoned.. Zixuan explained everything to his father and family at first they didn't believe that their cousin did all these but it was proved.. Yanli gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and it's Zhan who named him as Jin Ling.. Jiang Cheng and Hai kuan got married in an year because Hai Kuan can't wait anymore.. At first it's difficult for Madam Yu to accept his son's relationship but she didn't want to ruin his happiness.. And she also accepted Zhan after jiang cheng explained everything to her she feels so guilty for what he done to Zhan..

Her love and affection startled Zhan because he is not used for Madam Yu's love... On the other side others were so happy that at last madam Yu realise her mistake and her love for Zhan.. Everything became normal and they all left a happy life..

Zhan became an artist his works were praised by everyone.. Each and every painting has a beautiful meaning behind it.. His paintings were exhibit in museum and in an young age he became more famous.. Yibo let whatever Zhan wants to do.. Even though many agencies contact him to make him as a model for their company but Zhan always wants to be an artist.. As a perfect and lovable husband yibo supported his better half in everyway..

Jing yi and Sizhui were spending their college life in Beijing University staying in dorms.. Even though Yibo protested it but Zhan convinced him.. Being a good brother Jing Yi  always protect Sizhui.. During week ends they spend their time with Zhan and Yibo in cloud recess..

'I'm happy that everything is good now..' Zhan said while arranging the files on the table.. Yibo smiled at him.. They both were in yibo's office.. 'Wen qing said that you have meeting now..'

'Yeah.. we will leave once the meeting ends..' Before he leave the cabin he kissed Zhan on his forehead and caress his cheeks.. The younger blushed a little.. It's been two years but their love for each other became so strong.. 'Wait for me..' Zhan nodded his head.. After he left the cabin Zhan sit on the sofa..

The meeting ends well but he has to leave Shanghai tonight.. Yibo didn't said about his trip to Zhan.. After their marriage Zhan always accompany with yibo in his business trip but this time he didn't want Zhan to stress because he is busy with his new project.. 'Did you said about the business trip to Zhan Mr. Wang..'

'I don't want to stress him.. It's going to be a week and he is busy on his project too..' Wen Qing nodded her head.. After the meeting Yibo and Zhan had dinner in the restaurant.. 'Bo.. My project ends in this week and next week are you free..' Zhan wants to surprise his husband..

'Exhibition..' Zhan nodded his head.. 'Zhan I want to go Shanghai.. Tonight..'

'You didn't said about this.. Do you really want to go.. But I have..' Yibo holds the younger's hand.. 'You are already tired Zhan.. I will be back in a week.. You have to take care of your health first..' Zhan pouts at him.. When he stopped the car the younger didn't get off from the car.. Yibo chuckled and opened the door for him.. Zhan tilt his head and smiled at his husband stretching his hands.. Yibo bend a little and carried his husband in a bridal style to their room..

'Do you really want to go bo.. I will be alone.. May I come with you.. We can postpone the..' Yibo placed his finger on the younger's lips.. 'I don't want you to stress baby.. I'm leaving in my private jet and kuan gege will also accompany me.. So A Cheng will be here..' Zhan played with his husband's shirt.. 'I have two hours to get ready...'

'Okay.. I will help you to pack.. Go and get ready..' Zhan get off from the bed but yibo hugged him from the back kissed him on his neck.. 'Don't skip your meals because of the work baby.. If you have any problem call Wen Ning or A Cheng... You are still weak..' Zhan smiled and nodded his head.. 'And you forget everyday is everyday..' Zhan was still sore because of the last rough night.. He is little bit scared too..

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