Chapter 1 - Wei Ying

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Yibo's POV

I didn't thought you would kiss me Wei.. Those soft lips that I ached for many years.. But that's not enough for me.. I want you.. All of you is only mine.. And I will make you mine soon.. After so many years.. I can't wait anymore baby.. I want to hold you always in my arms.. You are still the same boy that I met before.. So pretty and also fiesty at the same time.. I still remember that memorable day...

I know you endured a lot in your past life Wei.. I can't protect you that time I still regret for not saving you in nevernight.. I saw how much you hide your pain behind your smile.. For innocent people you stood against all the other clans.. I lost you once in my life Wei.. But not this time..

Those beautiful smile.. your arrogant attitude.. the way you call me.. Our subtle touches.. You tamed me wei.. You made me happy, I smiled a lot because of you but what did I do in return.. Nothing.. You were hated by all even though you did all to only to save the innocent people.. This my another chance wei.. I will protect you

I really tried to hate you but I can't.. How can I hate the beautiful bunny who always tried to tease me.. Push me to the extent to receive my anger.. The only one who knows about my alcohol tolerance.....I don't know why but I can't get away the thoughts about you Wei.. I can't sleep.. Each and everyday I dream about you in the cloud recess wearing the same outfit.. With a flute in your hand.. All these years I met you only in my dream..

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