Chapter 3 - Cloud Recess

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Zhan pov

Am I really ready for this.. I just met him a week before but I why feel so connected to him.. Who the hell is wei ying.. He is disturbing in my dream and also in my real life.. I packed my books in my backpack.. 'A Xian..' I looked at my brother and sister near the door.. she ran towards me and hugged me tightly.. ' I'm sorry zhan.. I cant protect you from our mother..' I caressed her back..

'Shijie.. Don't apologize to me.. I know you and Cheng love me a lot.. I think if I'm not here mom will be more happy..' I know its difficult for her to accept a servant's son as her son.. And dad and mom mostly argue a  lot because of me so its best for both of them.. A Cheng sit beside me and gave me a card.. I shook my head..

'Zhan.. You are still in college.. Me and shijie didnt want you to do some part time jobs and you have to concentrate on your studies too.. Please accept it.. Its the least we can do for you..' I hugged both of them.. 'You are always welcome here zhan.. If you need any help don't hesitate to call your brother..' Shijie wiped my tears.. They both helped me to pack my clothes..

'Zhan.. Are you ready..' Dad asked.. Maids helped me to carry my luggage.. Yibo is waiting for me in the hall with mom.. Before I leave I want to thank her.. I bowed to her.. 'Thank you for taking care of me all these year mo.. Madam Yu..' But she didn't say anything.. I give a big hug to my father and shijie..

' Take care of him Mr. Wang... You know he is a troublesome kid..' I glared at him.. Traitor.. ' Tchhh.. I'm not a kid..' He tried to hit me but shijie stopped him.. I'm going to miss these all.. 'Stop it A Cheng..' I stick out my tongue towards him.. Before I get into the car i hugged them all.. I buckled my seatbelt and waved my hands to them.. Shijie cried.. 'Ready..' I nodded my head.. He starts the car..

'Thank you yibo..' But he didnt say anything.. His eyes were on the road.. ' No need to thank me wei..' Again wei.. who is wei..

' But why.. Why do you help me..' I sipped the water.. 'It's because you are my boyfriend..' I chocked the water and looked at him wide eyes.. 'B-But who is wei.. Is he not your boyfriend.. I thought he is..' I pouts a little and looked away from him..

'You are my wei ying..' Am I.. Really.. Ah.. Its so confusing.. I leaned on the seat.. But I hear these name in my dream.. Is he thinking about me as someone.. Maybe I look alike him..

Its near the forest area but its so close to my college like twenty minutes drive.. Its like a traditional place.. I think his family is too strict.. Will they have rules.. How can I follow those rules.. But rules are meant to be broken.. He stopped the car and opened the door...

'Woahhh.. Its so beautiful.." He lead the way to the traditional house.. I stopped when I saw a board.. What is it.. Rules.. And it's too many.. Why so many rules.. How can I follow it..

'Its rules for cloud recess..' I startled a little and looked at yibo.. 'Err... D-dont you think its too much.. How can I follow those rules.. Aishh..' I pouts at him.. He chuckled at me..

'I know you don't like rules.. But its our tradition..' Its going to be hard.. Suddenly we were stopped by an old man.. Ah he looks so scary.. Who is he?

'Still you choose this way ...' The old man asked yibo.. Yibo bowed to him.. 'Don't you leave him alone.. He already suffered a lot.. You..' But xichen brother stopped him.. I lowered my head.. 'Shameless..' I bite my lips and clenched my fist.. Its the first time I meet him why he is so angry with me..

'Dont stop me xichen.. How dare he enter cloud recess again..' I feel so inferior when he looked at me.. Why everyone hates me.. What did I do to them.. 'You..'

'Don't stop me this time uncle.. You know the reason..' His uncle glared at me and leaves us alone... I sighed a little and relaxed myself.. I don't want yibo to argue with his uncle..

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