Chapter 13 - Together

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No one's pov

Its only one night.. Zhan and Yibo both are so excited and waiting for their most special day.. Zhan looked at the moon he is so happy now.. On the other side Meng Yao is guarded by the barrier and he is still unconscious..

'I waited for this day for a long time.. I can't saw my brother who was suffering for these years but now he is going to marry his love.. I'm so happy..' Hai kuan said.. Beside him Jiang Cheng who is looking at him with love.. Even though he won't admit it but his heart knows how much he loves Hai Kuan.. Jiang Cheng flinched a little when he feels a soft touch on his hand.. But he didn't reject the touch.. He intertwined his fingers with the other.. 'I thought you don't like me..' Hai Kuan chuckled at him..

'Why do you think like that.. I thought you don't like me.. And I know your mom won't accept if you..'

'If you.. What.. Its my life.. I can date anyone...' Hai kuan smiled a little.. 'Thank you.. For taking care of our zhan.. I know we had done a terrible mistake in past but.. I want to find that fucker who framed zhan for everything.. Unlike us you and yibo trusting him a lot.. Thank you..' Jiang Cheng said..

'No need to thank me A Cheng.. Its your situation which made you to behave like that.. But this time I'm happy that you are with zhan.. He is so happy too..' They both looked at each other.. For some reason Jiang Cheng heart beats so fast.. 'After marriage yibo and zhan are going to their honeymoon... So how about a date..' The other was shocked..

'D-date..' Jiang Cheng stuttered a little.. 'Why.. Don't you want to..' The other shook his head quickly..

'I want too..' They both smiled.. Jiang cheng blushed when hai kuan tighten his hold.. He looked at the other side to hide his blushing face..


Life is not easy for them.. For zhan yibo waited for many years.. They both face many difficulties, they suffered a lot in their past.. But yibo didnt loose his hope.. He trust that his love will bring back his wei ying to him.. Now he is going to marry zhan.. After lots of struggles and sufferings they are going to be together.. The most awaited day for both yibo and zhan..

The marriage hall is decorated all over in white.. Many guests arrived because they all know how much the young jade love the yiling patriarch.. The one who trusts him a lot.. Hai kuan fixed his brother's suit.. He is so happy.. He is the only person who trusts wei ying with Wangji and Yanli..

'I'm so happy to see you like this.  I know you waited for this day..' Yibo smiled at him..  'Thank you gege for standing beside me.. Always trusting me.. Without you I don't know how I...' Hai kuan hugged his younger brother..

'You are my brother yibo.. I always trust you..' Yibo hugged him tightly.. Qiren looked at both the young jades his lips curved into a beautiful smile and his eyes glistening with tears..

Not only the clan leaders many business partners, celebrities and medias were there.. Because they want to know who is the boy who captured the Cold Prince's heart.. They all were waiting for both yibo and zhan in the narriage hall..

'It's time Yibo..' Hai Kuan said... He is so nervous and also happy.. He and hai kuan went to the marriage hall.. All the eyes were on Yibo when he walked on the aisle.. Definitely he is so handsome there is no doubt in it.. He stood in the center bowed to the guests.. Now he has to wait for his love..

'Zhan Gege.. Why are you so nervous.. Its only us.. You are going to marry your love.. Hanguang Jun.. Just relax yourself..' A yuan said while trying to comfort zhan..

'I'm fine.. I'm really fine..' Zhan let out a nervous chuckle.. Jing yi smiled at him..

'But what if you forget your vows.  What if the wedding ring slipped off from your hand.. What if..'

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