Chapter 5 - Closer

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Zhan POV

I was in my room getting ready for the dinner.. After my stay in cloud recess each and everyday is filled with happiness though it has many rules... Why I feel so loved and familiar here.. Zoey, A yuan, Yibo and gege I feels like I know them before but I don't know where.. 'Gege.. Are you ready..' I heard A yuan's voice.. I checked myself on the mirror before I go..

'Shall we go..' I looked at Yibo and nodded my head.. Hai kuan gege with A yuan and jing yi were in one car me and yibo in another.. I'm really excited.. I won't go out often because of madam yu.. But shijie and A Cheng sometimes accompany me.. Thinking about them I miss them a lot..

'What happened..?' I looked at Yibo and shook my head.. He caressed my hair.. 'I-its just I miss shijie and A Cheng.. S-she is going to marry soon.. I don't know when I meet her again..'

'If you want to see her then we will visit her one day..' I looked at him wide eyes..

'Really..' He nodded his head.. I smiled and leaned on his shoulder.. After an hour he stopped the car before a little mansion.. I unbuckled my sear belt and get off from the car..

'Shijie eh..' A yuan and Jing yi rushed inside the house.. Zoey meng invited us.. I tried to give her a warm hug but Yibo grip is too tight.. I pouts at him.. 'A ning.. Look who is here..' Suddenly I saw a young man who stood in front of me breathing heavily...

'Senior wei..' I looked at the young man.. I smiled at him.. I have seen him somewhere.. And why everyone address me as wei.. And I feel some connection with that name.. 'Zhan.. He is my younger brother Wen Ning..' I bowed to him..

'I am happy to see you again..' I was startled a little when he hugged me.. I hugged him back and caressed his back.. 'A ning.. Do you know me...' He looked at me and nodded his head..

'Shijie eh said a lot about you.. So..' I smiled at him.. We had a nice dinner like a family but I miss my shijie.. May be they are busy in marriage... They even didn't call me often.. Will madam yu invite me for marriage.. I looked at the moon surrounded by lots of stars.. I took my mobile and messaged shijie.. I waited for her reply but I didn't get any..

'Zhan gege..' I turned and looked at A yuan... 'Why are you here.. Come on..' A yuan pulled me to the hall.. 'OK let's play truth or dare..' Jing yi said.. I tried to oppose it because it didn't feel good..

'Yeah..' Yibo and Hai kuan gege didn't play.. I tried my best but they dragged me to the game.. 'OK guys you already know the rules so let's play..' The game continues.. We almost bursted into laughter because of the punishment we received..

The bottle showed A yuan.. 'So a yuan truth or dare..' He smiled and said truth... 'Do you have any crush..' Zoey meng shijie asked.. My eyes widened..

'Shijie.. He is still a kid..' She scoffed at me.. 'But he is a college student.. It's all normal now a days zhan..' She said..

'No.. He is still a kid to me.. He is really a good, kind and caring boy.. Even if he have a boyfriend first I have to know about him..' Wen ning laughed at me..

'Zhan.. You sound like her mom..' I pouts at him.. Yeah.. I feel so over protective towards him.. 'So what.. A yuan is like my son.. So I has the right to worried about him..' Everyone were shocked and they looked at me with wide eyes.. Even Yibo is shocked.. I looked at A yuan whose eyes are brimmed with tears.. Did I say something wrong..

'A-A yuan.. I'm sorry..' But he smiled at me and shook his head.. I don't know anything about his parents till now.. But through Hai kuan gege I came to know that Yibo adopted him.. 'Let's continue..' Jing yi broke the awkward silence.. Soon the bottle pointed out me.. If I say dare that jing yi will definitely asked me to do something that I didn't want to so I choose truth..

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